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“I am. And she loves me.”

“What?” Pierce held up his hands. “Wait. Please tell me you’re just jesting.”

“I’m not.”

Thomas waited. He knew there was an outburst coming. But when it did, he wasn’t quite ready for it. Pierce lunged at him, his fist catching Thomas in the face. It knocked Thomas back, sending him crashing into the bedpost.

“You cur!” Pierce snarled. “You thought you could sneak around with Sophia?”

“We didn’t sneak around.” Thomas grimaced as he straightened up; his shoulder hurt from colliding with the bedpost. “We just ended up in the same place together.”

“And alone, I take it? I remember when you told me about your encounters with her before I took an interest in her.”

“Pierce …”

“No!” Pierce held up a hand. “I know I’ve done things in the past that you didn’t approve of, but you didn’t need to do it in return to me! What were you thinking?”

Thomas sighed. He rubbed his jaw; Pierce still had a hefty swing on him.

“We didn’t mean anything by it, Pierce. And this isn’t some fling I was having because I was bored or doing something to get back at you. It wasn’t like that at all.”

“What was it, then? Are you going to say that you’re in love with her?”

“That’s exactly what it is.”

Pierce snorted and paced away.

“Don’t make me laugh. I remember you and Constance. I can’t see you having something passionate with Sophia. She’s too sweet for that.”

“Of course, it’s not passionate like that. But love doesn’t have to be the same. And I do love her.” Thomas smoothed the lapels of his jacket. “I want to marry her, Pierce. I don’t want to marry Aimee.”

“And I presume Sophia feels the same way.”

“She does. Which is why I’m asking you to let her go? I won’t tread on your toes if I can avoid it, but I can’t stand by and let you carry on courting her when I want her myself.”

“You think I’m going to let Sophia go that easily?” Pierce snapped.

Thomas scoffed.

“Come on, Pierce, you’re not in love with her. You’re just looking at her for a conquest. You’ll be leaving her for someone else once you succeed in seducing her.”

“How do you know that? Sophia’s different from the other ladies I’ve met. How do you know I’m not in love with her myself?”

Thomas stilled.

“Do you love her?”

“Very nearly. I don’t think I’m quite there yet, but something is present that hasn’t been there before.” Pierce sighed as he looked away, running his hand through his hair. “But I can see that what you feel for her is stronger. I’ve tried to respect your decisions in the past. I guess I’m going to have to do it again.”

“Pierce …”

“No, it’s best that I do. If you’re serious about this?”

Thomas nodded.

“I’m serious.”

“Then I’ll give her up for you. I think you two would be better suited than me if I’m honest.” Pierce slumped onto the window seat. “Such a shame. She would be perfect for me.”
