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“You would be too much for her.”

“I suppose.” Pierce leaned back against the windows. “But what are you going to do about Aimee? I can’t see Westbury agreeing for you to change from Aimee to her sister, especially given their obvious animosity towards her.”

“Do you know why they don’t like Sophia?”

“I have no idea. From what Sophia says, she’s not entirely sure, either. Maybe because she can’t be as easily led like her sisters, I’m guessing.” Pierce shrugged. “I’m sure we won’t really know the answer.”

“Probably not.” Rubbing his hands over his face, Thomas moved to sit beside his friend. “But, as you pointed out, I need to do something about Aimee. If I don’t marry her, she will tell everyone that she saw Sophia and me in an embrace.”

“When was this?”

“About half an hour ago.”

Pierce frowned.

“Are you sure you should be sitting next to me after saying that?”

“I’ll take it. Providing you’ve got any ideas on how I can get Westbury to agree to marry Sophia instead.”

“I would have thought he would be delighted to get the neglected daughter out of his house.”

“Maybe not with her sister’s intended husband, though.”

“Point taken.” Pierce was silent for a moment. “The only way I can see him agreeing is if someone with better prospects comes along and wants to marry Aimee. She’s the type who will only want someone with lots of money, which can further the family’s reputation. It can’t just be anybody wanting to marry her.”

“Can you think of anyone willing to take up that task? You’re the one who seems to know pretty much everyone.”

“Maybe.” Pierce looked thoughtful. “I have someone in mind. I saw him at the club this afternoon, but he had a previous engagement so wasn’t able to come tonight. He might be able to help you out.”

Thomas’ spirits lifted.

“Are you serious?”

“We’re going to have to go to him and ask. But that means sneaking out of here.” Pierce waggled his eyebrows. “You’re going to have to be a bad guest and come with me, of course.”

“I can’t think of anything better. It would be worth it if we get into trouble later.”

“Then we’d better sneak out of the side door before anyone comes looking for us.” Pierce stood up. “Come on. He should still be at the club. If he confirms what I think I know, then we might have your answer.”

Thomas really hoped so.

Chapter 18

Sophia sat at the window and looked out into the garden and towards the woods. She wanted to go out and go for a long walk among the trees, soaking up the sun. She wanted to go and walk to Christiana’s home to tell her what had happened, too see if her friend had any ideas on what she could do.

But that wasn’t going to happen. Not with the burly footman sitting outside her door to keep her in. Her father still kept the door locked, but he had a guard there, just in case. The only time the door was opened was when she was brought food by Diane.

She was permitted to carry out her job regarding Sophia, but that was it. The footman Michaels closely watched them, so Sophia couldn’t even whisper to Diane about the events. Therefore, she hadn’t said a word since being escorted to her room the night before.

This was prison for her. Sophia felt like she had been tied up and thrown into a cage. She hated it. But she couldn’t argue against what her parents said. This was her punishment for jeopardising Aimee’s future. If it got out, it would be embarrassing for everyone in the family.

Even though she knew this was her fault, Sophia still felt it was unfair.

She wondered what her parents were going to do with her. Would they keep her locked up in her room until after the wedding? Or would they have her sent away to a place where they could forget about her? Or – and this left Sophia feeling scared – she would be married off very quickly to a friend of her father’s, someone who could keep her in line and didn’t care about her likes and wants.

Just another jailkeeper for her, as far as Sophia was concerned. Never to see Thomas again.

The thought left a hollow feeling in her chest. She couldn’t bear the thought of not seeing Thomas again. It was terrifying to go through every day knowing she wouldn’t be able to talk to him again or even see him smile. Sophia felt the tears again and blinked them away. She had exhausted herself the night before, and nobody had given her any sympathy. Not with Lady Westbury standing over her scowling.
