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“Well, I’m glad you’re not. Because this is far too amusing from my point of view.”

“I hate you, Edwin.”

Edwin laughed and climbed up into the saddle, a gentle breeze ruffling his dark curls.

“Hurry up and get ready. I want to do some exploring, and we can’t do that standing here talking.”

Chapter 3

Sophia knew she was going to be relieved when her sisters and their families finally left. While she loved her nieces and nephews and got along well enough with the husbands, her sisters tended to suck the joy out of the room. No fun, all focus on wealth and connections. They treated their children like objects.

What happened to them once they became women and entered Society for the first time? Sophia had vague early memories of all her sisters, and she could remember them being fun, happy, and carefree. All of them.

But as soon as they came out, they changed and became completely different people. Exact copies of their parents. Sophia didn’t know why they couldn’t just be themselves, as she knew their former selves would be far more attractive.

Katherine had said before she wouldn’t understand as she didn’t try to mould to what was meant to be a perfect lady. She said Sophia would end up lonely and miserable due to doing her own thing. Sophia didn’t see it like that; she didn’t like what it made her own family, and she didn’t want to give someone a fake idea of who she really was. If people couldn’t accept her for who she was, then that was their problem. It wasn’t hers.

Besides, as the youngest daughter, she didn’t really have any expectations. Her parents weren’t that interested in making her enticing for future husbands. After her first Season, where her mother chaperoned her to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid, she was mostly left alone. Her friend Christiana and her mother went with her to social functions, while Lady Westbury stayed at home or went to another engagement with one of her other daughters.

Sophia didn’t like being ignored because she chose to be herself. She didn’t like being treated like a forgotten child. All she wanted, first and foremost, was love and attention from her parents. Even with how they treated her, she still loved them and wanted them to be proud.

But she didn’t think that was going to happen. Not unless she turned into someone she didn’t like, and that wasn’t on the cards.

When she rose the morning after her sisters arrived, Sophia dressed on her own and went down to her studio. She hadn’t been able to do her usual painting due to the children running around wanting her attention, and they were still fast asleep. Now would be a good time to get some painting in.

Maybe later, she could sneak out to meet the gardener and see how the vegetable patch was going – they had recently planted some strawberry plants, and Sophia wanted to see how they were getting along. She did love strawberries. Plus, the gardener liked having her around.

It was concerning when the servants liked her presence more than her own family.

Keeping her footfall as quiet as possible, Sophia closed the door to her studio and inspected her painting in progress. It was coming along nicely, although it still needed a lot of work. If only it would move faster than Sophia could paint; she wanted to show this off before her family left.

Then again, they wouldn’t really care. They were more interested in waiting for this Mister Thomas Ford to arrive to meet Aimee and start their arranged courtship. Nobody would want to look at a painting.

As she picked up her jam jar full of water, Sophia wondered if this Mister Ford knew what he was getting himself into. He certainly wasn’t going to be comfortable trying to get to know Aimee when her sisters were sitting around openly staring at him. Sophia felt a stab of sympathy for him. That was not fair on anyone.

Heading outside, Sophia poured out the old water onto the grass and then used the pump in the courtyard to fill up her jar again. Then she went back into her studio.

Only to find Aimee standing in front of the painting and inspecting it with a wrinkled nose. Sophia stopped in the doorway.

“Aimee? I didn’t realise you were awake at this hour.”

“I have to be up early to get ready for Mister Ford. I heard you coming downstairs, and I guessed you would be in here.” Aimee gestured at the painting. “It’s not that good, is it? Just a smudge of paint on one half of the canvas.”

“That’s because it’s not finished yet.” Sophia put her jam jar on the table by the easel. “And it takes time. I’d love to snap my fingers, and it would be painted immediately, but that’s not how things work.”

“Such a shame.”

Aimee turned and walked towards the paintings leaning up against the wall. Sophia had done quite a few, but she knew there wouldn’t be anyone who would buy paintings off a woman. Not that she wanted to sell her work right now; this was just something she did for her own enjoyment.

Besides, with how her family scoffed at her ability to use a paintbrush, Sophia didn’t expect anyone else to be any different once they realised a woman was the artist.

She waited nervously as Aimee looked through the paintings, hearing slight sniggers every now and then.

“Did you want something, Aimee? I didn’t think you would come in here.”

“I thought I’d see what you were up to. See if you’ve painted anything decent.” Aimee dropped the canvases back into place. “And you haven’t. Can’t you find something more worthwhile to do with your time that isn’t painting or gardening?”

“What do you suggest I do, then? These things bring me enjoyment.”
