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“How about being more ladylike? Mother says there are plenty of things a lady can do, but you just can’t be bothered to do them.” Aimee looked her sister up and down. “You’re just interested in looking like a commoner.”

Sophia knew she was talking about how brown she was. She frowned.

“There’s nothing wrong with how I look. It’s not my fault my skin changes under the sun.”

“You shouldn’t be out in the sun at all. That colour is not attractive.”

“It’s who I am, and I like it.”

Aimee snorted.

“I doubt a potential husband will. If you even get any offers.”

“I’m not interested in looking for offers, Aimee. Especially not after seeing you and our sisters getting married and the process you went through.”

“You want to be an old maid for the rest of your life?”

“I’m content if I do. It’s not as scary as you might think.”

If she were honest, Sophia wasn’t that bothered about marriage. She could take it or leave it. The only upside to Aimee finally getting a husband and leaving the house would be that she would get her parents’ attention, but even that came with problems.

Mostly from finding a husband for Sophia. She wasn’t entirely sure how they would do that, seeing as they had ignored her for a long time and didn’t even know who Sophia was as a person anymore.

Marriage was more inevitable than not, and if it happened, Sophia would have to accept it. But losing the independence she had cultivated for so long would be tough. That was the bit she was scared about; Sophia wasn’t about to become dependent on a man, even if she was married to him. Her husband would have to understand that before they got married. If he didn’t, then it wasn’t happening.

“If you’re not careful, Mother and Father will send you off to live with Aunt Maisie.” Aimee giggled as she sauntered back to her sister. “Two old maids living together. You’ll be forgotten about.”

“You think I’ve not been forgotten already?” Sophia replied. “Besides, Aunt Maisie is good fun. I like her. She understands me more than you do.”

“Who on earth would understand you?” Aimee looked her up and down. “Then again, considering how you and Aunt Maisie get along, I’m not surprised she understands you. You’re just as strange as each other.”

Sophia didn’t let that get to her. Aimee was doing this to get a rise out of her, and she wasn’t interested in fighting this early in the morning. She cast an eye over her sister.

“I hope you can keep Mister Ford’s attention, Aimee. Because if I were him, you wouldn’t get anything more than a cursory glance.”

“What are you talking about?” Aimee snorted and patted her hair. “I’m beautiful; I know my etiquette, and I’m still young enough to give him children. What can he possibly not like?”

“Maybe the person you are underneath it. You’re a beautiful woman, but your ugly personality seeps out and into your looks. It’s not pleasant to witness.”

Aimee’s eyes widened.

“You call me ugly? Look who’s talking. You’re ugly inside and out.”

“Just because I prefer to be myself instead of what Mother wants.”

“You should know your place. We’re not children anymore, so you shouldn’t be behaving like a child.”

“How is enjoying what I like to spend my time on and finding joy in things I’m not supposed to behaving like a child?”

“It’s not how a lady behaves.”

“We’re daughters of a viscount. We don’t have the title of ‘lady’. You and I certainly don’t.” Sophia folded her arms. “Look, Aimee, just go away. I’ve got things to do, and you said you needed to get ready for Mister Ford coming over for tea this afternoon. Why are you wasting your time talking to me when you need at least eight hours to get ready?”

Aimee’s eyes narrowed. Her lips curled in a sneer.

“I hope you don’t find yourself a husband, Sophia. I can’t see anyone putting up with your attitude.”

“And I’m sure Mister Ford will have the two of you living separately before you’ve been married six months with yours,” Sophia shot back.
