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Someone who has lost the one she loved.

“I’d love to,” Cindy replies instantly, a warm smile on her face. “Name the place and pick the time. I’ll be there.”

“Say, eleven? At the new place on Main Street, Hendricks?”

“That sounds wonderful. We can grab a sandwich, too. I’ve heard amazing things about their lunches.”

“Perfect,” I say, relaxing in my chair a bit, the tension ebbing from my shoulders almost immediately.

After chatting for a few more minutes, everyone starts to gather their belongings to head home. Cindy makes sure to give me a quick hug, letting me know she’s looking forward to meeting me for coffee on Saturday, and reminding me that our next book club pick is going to be smutty.

The smuttier, the better.

Grandma would be so proud.

* * *

When I pull into my driveway, my phone lights up with a text. Dr. Adams. Or Nick, as he’s repeatedly asked me to call him. It was difficult at first, but over the last few years, I’ve definitely developed more of a friendship with my boss than just a standard eight-to-five work relationship.

In fact, he’s kinda become “my person” when I need a friend or am feeling exceptionally low. He’s attended family gatherings, as well as rescued me when the memories of Josh start to swallow me whole. Nick is a good friend, and besides my sisters, I don’t really have too many of those.

Josh was my life, my everything.

My best friend.

Now isn’t the time to let his memory grab me and pull me under. While sitting in the driver’s seat, I swipe my finger across the screen and pull up Nick’s text message.

Nick: What was it tonight? War & Peace? The Diary of Anne Frank?

Me: You would be wrong on both accounts. We read those last year. *emoji sticking its tongue out*

Nick: Damn. I always miss the good ones. So what was it? 50 Shades?

Me: You’re picturing Irma Daniels reading it, aren’t you?

Nick: I just threw up in my mouth. *vomiting emoji*

Me: *laughing emoji*

Nick: I should fire you for that.

Me: You wouldn’t dare. You need me.

His bubbles appear, but then disappear without text, like he started to write and then deleted it. Finally, after a few long, drawn-out seconds of anticipation, he finally replies.

Nick: Truth. I do.

Me: Whatcha doing? I’m sure you’re not actually sitting around, wondering about what book we read this week at book club.

Nick: Another thrilling Thursday night for me. On my way home from helping Rhenn with a class. I’m starving. Probably stopping at the burger place on Main for a big, juicy to-go order.

Me: They have the BEST milkshakes.

Nick: You’ve mentioned. Strawberry, right?

Me: Yep. They use real strawberries. Like the real thing, Nick. Not syrup. This is a big deal, my friend.

Nick: It most certainly is. Strawberry syrup is a crime against ice cream, Meghan.
