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Me: *fist bump gif*

Nick: I’m getting ready to pull out of the lot. Glad you made it home safely.

Me: It’s Jupiter Bay. What could have possibly happened to me?

But as soon as I send the message, I know the answer. Plenty can happen, especially when behind the wheel.

Nick: Don’t make me answer that. I’ll see you soon.

Me: Tomorrow morning.

Nick: *smirky emoji*

Me: Good night

I drop my phone into my purse and grab my bag before making my way toward the house. The light above the kitchen sink gives off just enough light that I don’t trip over the extra pair of shoes I kicked haphazardly by the door. Setting the bag down on the table, I pull off my shoes and head toward our bedroom to change into pajamas.

Wait. My bedroom.

I know it. It’s still a struggle to accept it.

Just after throwing on a pair of old flannel shorts that are way too short and one of Josh’s t-shirts, the doorbell rings. It’s well after nine, which tells me it must be one of my sisters. They’re the only ones who would drop by unexpectedly after nine o’clock on a weeknight.

Though, when was the last time one of them just happened to drop by? All of my sisters have significant others now. They have families. Busy lives.

I don’t even have time to grab a robe before the knocking starts. Yep, it must be one of my sisters. They all have the patience of…well, something that doesn’t have a lot of patience. “I’m coming,” I holler as I round the corner from the bedroom and run to the front door. When I check the peephole, I’m shocked at the face staring back at me.

Not one of my sisters at all.


I disengage the lock and slowly open the door, carefully concealing my too-short shorts and the fact that I’m braless beneath the shirt. “Hey, everything all right?” I ask, worried that something is wrong.

“Everything’s fine. I just happened to have an extra milkshake, and since I was in the area, I thought I’d see if you wanted it.” He gives me an innocent smile, but I’m on to his game, as he waves it in my face. Not only do I completely doubt that they just happened to give him an extra shake (strawberry, no less), but Nick lives on the opposite side of town. Not exactly “in the neighborhood.”

But then again, he does have a strawberry shake with him, so who am I to call him out on his blatant lies and send him away?

I reach out my hand for the ice cream goodness and wait until he passes me the cup. There’s already a straw stuck in the lid, so I take a quick sip and savor the smooth velvety richness of the milkshake laced with chunks of strawberry heaven. Nick’s eyebrow arches toward the sky as he waits. “It’s amazing. Okay, you can come in.”

“I don’t have to come in. I just wanted to drop that off,” he says, nodding toward the cup.

“But you have food, right? Might as well come eat it inside while it’s still warm.”

“You know how much I despise cold fries,” he retorts with a grin. “Are you sure? It’s getting late.”

“Definitely. I’m not ready to go to sleep yet. You can keep me entertained for a while.” I open the door and motion for him to enter.

Nick proceeds to step through the door, but there’s no missing the way his eyes dart to my chest. When I glance down, I see exactly why. My boobs are practically on display, completely visible beneath the thin, gray material of the shirt. What’s more embarrassing than showing my boss my girls is that my nipples choose that exact moment to stand at attention and salute.

Oh, goodie.

I take a step back and cross my arms over my chest. Nick’s eyes fly up to meet mine, my cheeks burning with mortification. However, Nick looks…hungry. And I don’t think it’s for the cheeseburger and fries he’s about to consume. But that can’t be right, can it? He has always treated me in a perfectly respectful, friendly manner.

The hunger in his eyes must be for his double cheeseburger.

“Umm, go ahead and make yourself comfy,” I instruct, closing the door behind him and keeping all of my bits and pieces covered up. When I turn around, his eyes are focused on my ass.

My ass.
