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Suddenly, I’m sweating.

And horny.

And not sure how to respond, because all I can think about is fucking, and not in the adjective sense as she just used. I’m imagining the dirty, sweaty, naked kind, and I’m ashamed to acknowledge who has the starring role in the fantasy. I’m a horrible person.

Meghan: Anyway, I’m going to take more Tylenol and try to rest. I tried to read, but it hurt too much to focus on the words. Maybe if I find one of those boring war history shows you like to watch, maybe I’ll fall asleep. *winky emoji*

Me: I think you were autocorrected again. Those shows are amazing and educational.

Meghan: Nope, no autocorrect. *sticking out tongue emoji*

Me: You’ll be able to tell the difference between an eighteenth century bayonet and a Civil War Bowie knife in no time.

Meghan: I’ll be asleep in no time.

Me: Then I guess my work here is done.

Meghan: I actually do feel a little sleepy. Thank you for the talk.

Yawning, I sag into my couch, realizing just how exhausted I really am.

Me: Me too.

Meghan: Good. G’nigh Nicholas. Balk at you toon.

Me: *smiling emoji* Autocorrect and exhaustion don’t mix. G’night, Meggy Pie.

Meghan: *sleepy emoji*

My eyes start to cross as I set my alarm for six thirty and place my phone on the coffee table. I grab the blanket on the back of the couch and use it for a pillow, as I lie on my side and get comfortable. It doesn’t take much, since my body is just done. My limbs feel like they’re numb and my eyelids are weighted. The magnitude of the last eight hours has finally caught up to me.

I don’t think about the asshole who hurt Meghan. I don’t think about the pleasure I felt when I punched him in the face and knocked him down. I don’t think about the fear in her eyes or the dark purple bruise that developed on her head.

Oh, I think about her, but not the bad. I think about her smile when she greeted me yesterday morning and the way she intentionally kicked my chair when I came in for the final exam on one of the patients she just finished.

It’s that smile and those sparkling green eyes that lull me into a deep sleep.

* * *

“And you didn’t beat the shit out of him?” Rhenn asks, moving from his fighting stance and dropping his gloved hands to his side.

“It took everything I had not to. I wanted to,” I tell him, letting go of the bag he was just pummeling. “I almost did, but then I looked over at her on the ground and knew killing him wasn’t the answer.”

“You should have called me. I would have taken care of that asshole,” Rhenn says right before slamming his fist into the bag once more, sending it flying into my face since I’m not holding it steady.

“Nice, asshole.” His chuckle follows me over to the water cooler as I grab another drink of cold water.

We’ve been working hard as we approach the end of the season. Rhenn always finishes classes by the end of May. It’s too hard to compete with all of the other summer activities and vacations, so we’ll finish out this year at the end of the month and pick it back up again in September.

“I think you’ve been a little pissy since your last date dumped you for another guy,” he says, dropping his gloves on the bench and grabbing a cup of water.

“That’s all you got out of that, isn’t it?” I huff.

“She was a sure thing. If she was anything like her friend, she would have been blowing your mind all fucking night,” he smirks.

“You’re something, man.”

“I know,” he boasts with a big smile as if that were a compliment.
