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“Anyway, next Wednesday, I’m bringing Meghan by after class to show her a few things. I hope that’s okay.”

Rhenn actually turns serious. “Of course it’s okay. Do you want my help?”

“No, I think I can handle it.”

Again, he smirks. “I’m sure you will, but be careful. You’ve been friend-zoned so long, you’ll probably have to forward all of your mail there.”

I shake my head and refuse to comment. I decided last night when I was teaching my Wednesday night Little Dragons class that Meghan needed to learn a few basic self-defense maneuvers. If it goes well, I’m going to suggest she attend next Friday’s class for women. My thought process is she can learn a few things next Wednesday night, and then hopefully I can convince her to come the following Friday when Rhenn and the rest of the students will be there. It’ll be good practice for her.

“You should bring her Friday,” he says.

“The thought crossed my mind,” I reply casually. “I’m not sure if she has anything going on already. Maybe one of her sisters’ gatherings,” I add with a shrug.

“Sisters! I forgot about them. Bring them too,” he says, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Take a cold shower, dude. They’re all either married or in committed relationships. Besides, they’d all have too much class for a loser like you.” I’m able to smile moments before the gloves come flying at me and nail me in the face.

“Take that back,” he says.

“Never. You’re a whore, and you know it.”

“I am,” he grins mischievously.

“One of these days, someone is going to knock you off that self-imposed throne you have yourself perched on. She’ll have you eating out of the palm of her hand and your balls stuffed so far in her purse that you won’t know what to do with yourself.”

He advances quickly, but I know his games. We’ve been friends for too damn long and fought together on the mat for me not to learn a thing or two about Rhenn. He throws his arms around my neck, but I spin and sweep my leg at his. He counters quickly, throwing his right leg at my left, ultimately knocking us both down to the hard floor.

“Damn,” I laugh. “Couldn’t you have done that on a mat?” I ask, rolling over to my stomach.

“Me? You kicked me first, asshole,” he grunts as he lifts himself up onto his elbows. “I’m going to make you pay for that Saturday morning on the treadmill.”

I snort and look over at my friend. I really can’t wait for some woman to knock him down a few branches and make him a one-woman man. It’s happened before. In college. He was completely into Suzanne Jaskula, throwing around the I-love-you’s and making plans for the future, until he caught her in bed with one of our frat brothers. You know, that asshole guy that no one in the fraternity likes, but was old enough to buy beer and had the money none of us working college kids had to keep our fridge stocked? After that, my best friend turned into a manwhore, completely closed off from any sort of relationship outside of the physical. Surprisingly, there are plenty of women out there looking for a little no-strings fun, and Rhenn always has a way of finding them.

Me? I’ve never been into one-night stands. I’m more of a committed relationship kinda guy, and it has always been one of the constant sources of ribbings from my friend. But I don’t care. It’s just not my shot of vodka. Doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened; just that it doesn’t happen often.

“Monday I’m taking the boat out. Be at the dock at ten,” he says, referring to his thirty-eight foot sailboat docked at the Marina. It has way more speed than Rhenn needs, but he has always been about barreling full-steam ahead as often as possible.

“Fine. I’ll bring the food this time,” I reply. Last time we took the boat out, he remembered about every type of alcohol imaginable, yet forgot to bring substance for our stomachs. It made for a long, miserable day at sea.

“Drinks tomorrow night after class?” he asks, getting up off the floor.

“Sure. I’ll drive myself since you have a habit of ditching me for blondes in short skirts,” I answer, getting up off the floor myself.

“Why you gotta be like that?” he asks, fretting hurt. “It’s not just blondes, dude. I like brunettes, too. And redheads. I fucking love redheads. They’re wild as hell.” He barks out a laugh that leaves me shaking my head.

Oh yeah, I’m going to enjoy watching him fall hard.

Hopefully, sooner. You know, before he comes down with an STD.
