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Chapter Nine


“Are you okay?” Cindy asks as soon as we break apart from the group to enjoy appetizers and drinks at Thursday night book club. Of course, I’m not quite up to drinking yet. My head hasn’t hurt much today, but still carries an ugly shade of purple.

I’ve decided it’s not a good color for me.

Plus, it’s my first time driving since Tuesday night’s incident.

“I’m fine, thank you. I’m feeling much better today. Yesterday, I kinda slept the day away, but I was feeling up to moving around a little more today. My grandma came over and sat on the back porch with me for a few hours this afternoon.”

“That’s nice,” Cindy says with a smile. “I’ve been worried about you. I wasn’t sure if you’d be here tonight or not.”

“Honestly, I wasn’t sure I was coming until about five. Then I decided I needed out of the house for a bit.” The walls were starting to close in on me, as they often do when I’m there alone for long periods of time, but I leave out that part.

“Well, I’m glad to see you, and so happy you’re okay,” she adds, reaching over and rubbing my upper arm.

“Thank you. How did you hear? I mean, I know it’s a small town, so I’m sure it’s grocery store fodder.”

She seems to blush a bit and hesitates before answering. “Oh, uhhh… I ran into your dad. At the grocery store.” Cindy seems to blush even more.


“Oh.” I knew Dad and Cindy knew each other, but didn’t realize they were friends enough to share personal details like that.

“Anyway, I wanted to stop over last night, but figured you wouldn’t be up to visitors quite yet.”

“You’re welcome anytime,” I tell her honestly. I really do like Cindy and find value in our friendly chats.

“Can I get you anything? Wine?”

“I’m good, thank you. I’m not quite up to drinking yet, but my appetite is returning tenfold. I’ve been eyeing those stuffed mushrooms and crab dip like I haven’t eaten in days.” And maybe I haven’t. Grandma forced me to eat some soup today, but I was so tired yesterday that I don’t think I ate much of anything all day. Even with Lexi babysitting me.

“I’ll go grab you some,” she replies with another smile. It’s a nice smile. Friendly. Easy. Pretty.

A few other ladies come over and ask about my head, and I find myself sharing the story several times throughout the rest of the evening. Some had heard the story, but many hadn’t. Since I showed up right when book club was starting, no one had the chance to ask about my lovely purple bruise accessory I was sporting when I arrived. But now, everyone wants to know what happened.

By the time we dismiss, I’m starting to get very sleepy. It’s definitely time for me to head home. Saying goodnight to everyone, including receiving an extra hug from Cindy before I leave, I make my way outside in the late May night and toward my car. The air holds just the slightest chill to it, which may be of benefit to me as I make my way home. Rolling down the windows, I check my phone before I leave and find a message from Nick.

Nick: Just checking in. How are you feeling?

Me: I’m feeling better. Decided to go to book club tonight.

Nick: That’s good. I’m happy to hear.

Me: I could probably work tomorrow, you know.

Nick: No. You’ll be back Monday, unless you need more time.

Me: You’re so bossy. I don’t need more time. I’m fine to work now.

Nick: Sorry, you’re breaking up. I can’t hear you.

Me: Very funny, Mr. Miyagi. When did you develop a sense of humor?

Nick: Ouch. You wound me.

Me: You know I’m joking. Anyway, I’m heading home now.
