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Chapter Fifteen


A knock sounds at the door. He’s early. Thirty minutes early. Holy crap, I’m not ready! I slip on my pink and white dress and run to the front door. I have yet to do my makeup, but that won’t take me very long.

When I reach the door and glance through the peephole, I’m surprised to see the person on the other side of the door. “Hey,” I say as I open the door and let my sister AJ in.

“Hey, sorry to just drop by. I was going to text, but I was already in the car driving.” She seems to take in my dress. “Oh, are you going out?”

I swallow over the lump in my throat. “Umm, yeah. Actually, I am. I have…a date.”

“You do?” she asks, smiling widely and practically vibrating with excitement.

“Yeah. Is that weird?” I ask, glancing down at my dress. Is it too much? Do people even wear dresses anymore on dates?

“Weird? Hell no! It’s great, actually. I’m so excited for you. Who’s the lucky guy?”

“Promise you won’t get all weird on me?”

“I make no such promises,” she teases.

“Fine. It’s Nick.”

AJ blinks once. Twice. “Nick? Your sexy boss who showed you how to take down an assailant with a few thrusted hand moves?”

“Yes, but…wait. Did you say sexy?”

“Hell yes, I did. Nick is totally gorgeous, Meg. He’s also sweet and kind, and I’m not really surprised you’re going out with him.”

“You’re not?” I ask my older-by-one-year sister. We’ve always been the closest of all of my sisters, and I always associated that to our close age. We were only a year apart in school. We were in the same clubs and sports in school, and even had some of the same friends.

“No way,” she says gently. “You should have seen the way he was looking at you last night. He totally had googly eyes. I’m surprised Grandma didn’t pick up on it.”

“She was too busy staring at his ass,” I mumble, recalling the embarrassing conversation last night.

“True,” AJ laughs. “But back to my original point, I’m very excited for you. You deserve a bit of happiness in your life. Maybe Nick is that happiness and maybe not. I’m just glad you’re putting yourself out there again.”

“Thanks,” I say, quietly, the word hard to find over the golf ball that I swallowed and stuck in my throat.

“Before you start to overthink this, it’s important for you to know that we all support you one hundred percent. I think it’s great that you’re going on a date with Nick. You guys will have a good time.”

“We, uh, kinda went out last night after class.”

AJ whoops and pulls me into a hug. “I’m proud of you, really. Just go and enjoy. Smile again, but if there’s one thing all of us miss it’s a real Meghan smile.” The look she gives me is warm and gentle, and lets me know that she supports me.

“Thank you.” I choke on the words.

She waves her hand, blinking back tears. “So, this is what you’re wearing? It’s super cute. Why didn’t I know about this dress?”

I laugh and know full well that if AJ had seen this dress in my closet, she would have taken it at some point. Like always. “I just bought it a couple weeks ago. At the time, I didn’t really have a reason, but now I’m glad I did.”

“Super cute. But your makeup isn’t done. What time is he going to be here?”

Glancing at my watch, I’m surprised to find that I’ve been visiting with my sister longer than I thought. “Shit, in ten minutes.”

“Hurry! I’ll go so you can finish getting ready,” AJ says, pulling me into a big hug. “I really am happy for you.”

“Thanks,” I say when she pulls away and opens the front door. “Oh, and AJ? Could you keep this to yourself? I’m not quite ready to tell everyone else about the date.”
