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She gives me a knowing glance and nods. “Sure.”

“Love you,” I holler as she heads down my steps and toward her car.

“Love you too,” she calls back.

“Wait!” I holler, stopping her before she can slip inside her vehicle. “You didn’t say why you stopped by.”

My sister just gives me a smile. “Doesn’t matter. Enjoy your night,” she replies with a big smile before getting in and driving away.

When the door closes behind me, I take a deep breath. I have eight minutes before Nick gets here. I better hurry.

* * *

Nick arrives just a few minutes after I step into the bathroom. Fortunately, most of my makeup is on, but I don’t have a chance to slip on my sandals or spritz myself with perfume before the doorbell rings.

“Hey,” I say, an immediate smile on my face when I take in the man standing at my door. He’s wearing a pair of khaki shorts with a blue and gray polo. He’s wearing brown leather sandals and a big smile. He also smells amazing. Like I want to climb up his body, stuff my nose in his neck, and just inhale for the next three hours.

He’s also carrying flowers.

I smile, glancing down at the gorgeous yellow and pink bouquet in his hands. It’s been a long time since I’ve received flowers. More than two years, to be exact. Josh was a big one for surprise flower deliveries to the office, but now isn’t the time to think about that. Now is the time to focus on the man in front of me, who just so happens to be holding a pretty bouquet for our date.

“These are for you,” he says when I step aside and let him in. “Wow, you look amazing,” he adds, giving me an appreciative once-over that warms my entire body. The way he looks at me makes things tingle that haven’t tingled in quite a while.

“Thank you,” I reply, reaching for the bouquet. “For the flowers and the compliment. Come in. I’ll put these in water real quick and then finish up. I’ll only be another minute,” I tell him, glancing over my shoulder. When I do, I find his eyes firmly locked on my backside.

Again, things are tingly and I start to get concerned about the state of my panties by the end of the evening.

“No rush. Take your time,” he says as his eyes meet mine. If he notices that I busted him watching my ass, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he offers me a smile that makes my heart skip a beat and dance around in my chest.

When the flowers are sitting in a crystal vase that was my mom’s, I slip out of the room to finish getting ready. It only takes me a couple of minutes to finish up my makeup, slip on a pair of nude wedge sandals, and spritz my neck with my favorite perfume. After I set the bottle down, a thought crosses my mind. Josh bought me this perfume because it was his favorite. He said it drove him wild.

As I look at my reflection in the mirror, I can’t help but wonder if the same will hold true for Nick. Will he like the scent or will I need to switch it up? Maybe try something new. It’s definitely not something that has to be decided now, but it makes me pause, even for just a moment.

God, I miss him.

The woman staring back at me is so much different than the one she used to be. Little lines are appearing around her eyes that weren’t there before. She looks tired, and maybe even a little scared, but that’s to be expected, right? She’s pretty, but not a supermodel. She’s confident, but nervous.

Actually, she’s petrified.

But, she’s also determined.

A woman who is ready to live her life, not merely to exist.

I nod my head and dig deep for that determination I know is there, and then turn to meet my date. Nick. If it were anyone else, I’m not so sure I’d feel as resolute, but there’s something about him that helps return the confidence I once had. Maybe it’s the fact that I consider him my friend, too. Friendship and lovers seemed to work well for Abby and Levi, correct? Not that I’m thinking about the lovers aspect with Nick, but…

You never know.

I’m not ruling it out just yet, but it’s also not in the plan for tonight.

Or is it?

It’s been a long time since I’ve dated, even casually. Maybe it’s expected? My heart starts to pound and I start to feel a little sweaty in the pits. Nick wouldn’t expect sex tonight, would he? Not that it would be a bad thing, but I’m just not sure I’m there yet.

As I round the corner and see him standing there by the door, I answer my own question. No. Nick wouldn’t expect any more than I’m ready to give. He’s a true gentleman like that.

“Hi,” I say lamely as I approach my date.

“Hi.” He offers me another great smile, with perfectly straight, white teeth. He truly has an amazing mouth. Completely kissable.
