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Warmth creeps up my neck and settles in my cheeks as thoughts of kissing Nick pepper my mind repeatedly. He reaches down and takes my hand. “Come on,” he says huskily, giving me a wink as he leads me out the door. I’m pretty sure he knows I was just thinking about his mouth and all of the things I wouldn’t mind doing to it.

Or him doing to me. With that mouth.

“So where are we going?” I ask after making sure the door was secured and pushing all thoughts of Nick’s lips and the possibility of kisses out of my mind.

“We’re headed to Cooper, but I’m not telling you where we’re going when we get there,” he says as he holds open the passenger door for me. Cooper is a small coastal town, thirty minutes south of Jupiter Bay. It boasts small, quaint shops and cute bed and breakfasts, and is just as popular of a summer tourist trap as our town.

Small talk is easy when Nick is sitting beside me, and even though we start off talking about work, it turns to more personal conversations. Before I know it, we’re reaching the city limits of Cooper, those thirty minutes eaten up quickly. He drives us to the center of town and turns off at the grocery store. As soon as we make the turn, I know where we’re going.

“Roller skating?” I ask, suddenly really excited.

“I hope that’s okay,” he says warily.

“Okay? I haven’t been since I was like eleven. I used to love coming here with my sisters.” Memories of family outings with my mom, dad, and sisters flash through my mind. Some of them are painful, but mostly they bring happy recollections of a time where the eight of us would take a Sunday drive and skate the day away. “I can’t believe it’s still open.”

Nick parks in the first available spot, which is closer to the back. I’m pleasantly surprised by the amount of cars in the lot. “Well, it closed down for a few years, but not long ago, a young couple bought it and brought it back to life. They’re only open on Friday and Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons now, but it’s still a popular hangout.”

With way too much enthusiasm, I give my seat belt a little toss and climb out of the car. My eyes light up when I see the neon marquee that reads “The Rink.” A sign in the window promises the best pizza in Virginia, and to be honest, I really hope we get to test that proclamation.

“Is this okay? I wasn’t even thinking about you wearing a dress,” Nick admits, glancing down at my knee-length dress.

“It’s perfect. Actually, I was the best skater in the family, so me being in a dress shouldn’t matter at all.”

His laughter fills the evening and makes me smile. “Well, that’s good. Maybe your expertise will rub off on me. I’m only a so-so skater, and haven’t been in a few years.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine. Come on,” I say, grabbing his hand and practically pulling him toward the entrance.

Best. Date. Ever.
