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Then, I feel her let go. She rides me hard, pivoting her hips and grinding her clit against me. When I hear my name spill from her lips, I follow her over the edge, coming with force and a string of non-coherent words. As soon as we’re both boneless, she falls on my chest, our lungs both begging for oxygen. I wrap my arms around her, hugging her into my chest and loving the way she fits so perfectly there.

After a few more minutes, Meghan starts to wiggle. I recall what she said last night about using the restroom after sex, so I let her go take care of business, while happily watching her ass as she goes. I remove the condom and wrap it in a Kleenex, tossing it in the garbage can over by my dresser. When she’s all finished a few minutes later, she rejoins me in bed.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I used one of your spare toothbrushes.”

“I don’t mind at all,” I tell her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her into my embrace. “I happen to know where I can get a few extras to keep at my place.”

“So, you steal from work?”

“I do. Floss, too, but don’t tell the boss.”

I can feel her smile against my chest. “Your secret is safe with me.”

We lie together for a while, our collective breathing and the occasional passing car the only sound in the room. I wonder if she fell back asleep. It wouldn’t surprise me, considering how little sleep we actually got last night. But even now, I can’t seem to calm my mind enough to fall back asleep.

I just spent the night with Meghan.

We had the most amazing sex I’ve ever had.

And she’s not freaking out or running away, like I might have expected. I guess that just proves how strong this woman really is. She’s had a major life-changing event happen, and is willing to take a few steps forward, albeit very slow and deliberate steps. The point is that she’s trying. She’s willing to step out of her comfort zone and give this whole dating thing a try again. The fact that she wants me by her side, along for the ride, only makes it that much sweeter.

“So, I was thinking,” she starts, drawing little circles over my chest. “My family is going to Payton and Dean’s for breakfast. I’m pretty sure everyone will be there. Well, maybe not Levi since he sometimes works weekends, but everyone else should be.” A big pause. I’m not sure she’s breathing. “Do you think you’d like to join us? I mean, if you don’t have anything else going on this morning.”

Pulling her tightly against me, I reply, “I’d love to go have breakfast with you. And if your family is there, then that’s fine too. I had a great time with them yesterday.”

“They’re completely nuts, but I guess if you don’t mind them, I’d like you to join us.”

“Then, there’s no place I’d rather be,” I answer honestly, bending down and kissing her forehead. “What time is breakfast?”


“Then we have about two hours before we need to get up and shower. Why don’t you catch a few more minutes of sleep, and then we’ll get ready to go.”

“Okay,” she whispers, settling her cheek against my chest. There’s nothing in the world better than the feel of her in my arms. That’s a heady revelation, but one I’m not about to dive into right now.

Instead, as exhaustion settles in, we both curl into each other and slowly drift off to sleep.
