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Instead of answering, I glance at AJ, who’s shoving food into her mouth like there’s no tomorrow. I glare at her, silently reminding her of her one job this morning. The distraction. I notice Jaime stand up, but keep my eyes focused on my traitor sister. She’s smirking behind her mouthful of bacon and eggs, silently letting me know I’m on my own.

Before I can reply, Brielle enters the room. “Aunt Jaime peed her pants!”

We all stop and glance at the little girl, who’s pointing and smiling at Jaime. Then we turn our attention to Jaime, whose pants are clearly wet as she stands there, wide-eyed and full of shock.

“Shit!” Ryan exclaims, jumping up and hustling around the table to his wife. “Your water broke?” There’s a mixture of panic with the excitement in his voice.

“I’m pretty sure I didn’t pee,” she replies to her husband.

“I’ll go get the truck,” he exclaims, tearing out of the house like his ass were on fire.

Everyone else gathers around Jaime, trying to keep her calm and collected. Lexi comes out of the kitchen, a plate of food in one hand and a baby in the other. “This does not mean you get to have the name Henry!” she proclaims, quickly trying to stuff food into her mouth and keep the rest of the plate away from the reaching hands of her son.

“Whatever, Lexi. First one in labor gets the name,” Jaime says breathlessly.

Ryan flies back inside, leaving the front door open. He comes over to Jaime and takes her in his arms and placing a hard, loud kiss square on her lips. “This is it. We’re about to meet our son or daughter, and I just want you to know that you’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been. This life would be nothing without you.” His words trail off at the end (I’m pretty sure he’s super emotional). That would actually suit this family well, considering most of us are now crying as we watch their private exchange.

She places her palm on his cheek. “I love you,” she whispers moments before a contraction takes hold. Jaime cringes, but keeps her eyes locked on Ryan’s. “Okay, that wasn’t so bad,” she says with a huff and a giggle.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” Lexi chimes in, earning a stern look from, well, all of us. It doesn’t faze her though. Lexi just rolls her eyes and takes another bite of food.

We all watch and wait as Ryan slowly ushers Jaime from the house and toward the waiting truck. “I’m right behind you,” Dad says to Ryan after helping make sure he and Jaime are set.

“We going?” Payton asks, glancing around at all of our stunned faces.

“I know I am,” Grandma says, pushing past Grandpa to grab her plate. “We’ll take these to go,” she says picking up her paper plate and plastic utensils. The moment the sisters started to pair up was the moment that a standard set of dinner plates and silverware were no longer enough.

Suddenly, we’re all scrambling to pick up our plates and to cover the remaining food. I grab my plate and Nick’s and turn toward him. “Do you want to go with one of your sisters? I can head home so I’m not in the way,” he says.

“No way! This is the best part. Something major always happens,” I tell him, handing him the plates so I can grab my purse. “Last time Lexi and Linkin got married and Grandma got kicked out of the delivery room! There’s no way we’re missing that,” I add as we follow suit with everyone else and file out the door.

“I’m not getting kicked out this time, Meggy Pie! I’ve been taking online classes. I’m practically a doctor,” Grandma says, hightailing it to her car, climbs into the driver’s seat, and tears out of the driveway.

“Do you think I could have a ride?” That’s when I turn and notice Grandpa standing beside me, watching his wife drive away like a bat out of hell.

“Grandpa!” I bellow, bursting into laughter. “I can’t believe she left you,” I add, walking with him toward Nick’s car. Nick helps me in in the back seat, while Grandpa slides in the front passenger seat. He hands me my plate of food, before we jump in line and head to the hospital, eating a few bites of food along the way.

When we arrive at the hospital, our group makes their way up the elevators and to the maternity ward. We all usher into the large room, while Jaime is pushed to the counter in a wheelchair. Ryan gives the front desk their information, while we all get comfy.

“Do you think it’ll be a while?” Abby asks, sitting down in a chair beside me.

“Probably. It’s her first baby. It could take forever,” AJ replies, getting comfy on the opposite side of the room.

“I think we should head home, babe. The boys don’t need to be here for the wait.” Linkin says to Lexi, as he sets the twins’ car seats down on the table.

Lexi stands by the doorway and rubs her lower back. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I haven’t been feeling so well today,” she says, rocking on her feet as if she’s uncomfortable.

“Do you want something to drink? I thought about walking down to the vending machine,” Dean asks.

“I’ll go with you,” Levi says, standing up and following Dean to the entryway.

“Shit,” Lexi gasps, glancing down at the floor.

We all look down, including Levi and Dean, who stand right beside her, a look of horror on their faces. “Alexis Renee, why did you pee on the floor?” Grandma asks as she enters the room.

“I don’t think it’s pee,” she gasps, her wide eyes searching out her husband.

“Really?” he asks, slowly walking over to where she stands, his entire demeanor calm and collected.
