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“Are you kidding me, right now? You’re doing this so you can have the name, aren’t you?” Jaime growls from her wheelchair.

“Yes, I made my water break five weeks before my due date so that I can have the name,” Lexi argues sarcastically.

“I wouldn’t put it past you,” Jaime refutes, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Well, you know what they say, the second baby always comes quicker than the first. You could be here for days in labor, while I might pop this baby out in forty-five minutes,” Lexi counters, mimicking Jaime’s stance and crossing her arms over her chest.

“Girls, do we have to do this now?” Abby says, walking over to where Lexi stands in a puddle of amniotic fluid.

“I’m calling my mom to come get the boys,” Linkin says, turning and making eye contact with me.

“I got them. Go make your call,” I reply.

Jaime is wheeled off to her room, with Ryan and Grandma both hot on her heels, while a second nurse comes to get Lexi with a second chair. “Come with me. We’ll get you in a gown and hooked up to a monitor,” she says before wheeling our youngest sister off to a room.

Everyone is left stunned by the turn of events, and the fact that we now have two sisters in labor. Before I can turn to Nick and apologize for the crazy family I just so happened to be born into, I hear a wail. I quickly get up and glance down at the two small humans sitting in the car seats on the table.

“Hey, buddy, are you upset?” I ask, unstrapping Hudson and slowly pulling him from the seat. As soon as I have the little man in my arms, his brother decides to let me know just how much he doesn’t like being strapped in the seat either.

Quickly, I turn and place Hudson in Nick’s arms and spin back around to grab his smaller twin brother. I blow kisses and make faces while I unlock the harness and pull Hemi into my arms. The little guy reaches up and grabs my lips, giggling as I try to blow kisses against his tiny hand.

“How’s my little man doing?” I ask Hemi, giving him a raspberry kiss on the neck and making him giggle. He reaches up and grabs a big handful of hair, pulling it hard and laughing. “That’s not very nice. I’m supposed to be your favorite aunt, remember? We talked about this.”

When I glance over at Nick, my heart starts to tap dance in my chest. He’s standing statue-still, staring down at the baby in his arms as if it were a bomb. Hudson is looking up at him with a bit of a stink-eye, almost like he’s trying to figure out who’s holding him.

“You okay?” I ask Nick, reaching forward and running my finger across Hudson’s jaw and making him squeal.

“Uhh, yeah. I’ve just,” Nick starts and glances around. Dropping his voice, he continues, “I’ve never held a baby.”

“What? You’ve never held a baby?” I gasp, too loudly and drawing everyone’s attention. Hudson seems just as shocked by this revelation and takes that opportunity to slap Nick on the cheek with his wet, slobbery hand.

“Thanks for broadcasting,” Nick says when he hears chuckles.

“I’m sorry,” I giggle. “Do you want me to have Abby grab him?”

“No, I think we’ve come to an understanding. He keeps all of his fluids inside his body and I’ll hold him for a bit.”

Again, I can’t help but laugh. “Let me know how that works out for you, buddy,” I sass Nick as I place more kisses on Hemi’s face. I could kiss these babies all day long. When I glance back up, Nick is watching, a subtle smile on his handsome face. “What?”

He catches me off guard by stepping forward into my personal space. I close my eyes as he slowly bends down and kisses me on the lips. It’s a quick, no-tongue kiss, but still packs a powerful punch. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, his lips still grazing against mine.

“Are we going to have to talk about the birds and the bees? You know how these two cuties got here, right? I could do a demonstration,” Grandma offers as she returns from Jaime’s room, her face practically pressed between Nick’s and my face.

Rolling my eyes, I glance her way. “Butt out,” I tease my grandma.

“If you two would like to go practice for a bit, you just let me know. There’s a storage room down the hall that wasn’t locked last time we were here, and I’d be happy to watch the boys for a bit.” Of course, she practically yells this so that the entire waiting room hears.

“We’re okay,” I mumble, my face similar to that of a strawberry.

“Actually,” Nick starts, leaving the insinuation door wide open, a wide grin on his face as he waggles his eyebrows.

“Doc, I think I like you,” Grandma says with a laugh, wrapping her arms around him for a hug. She makes it look like she’s only doing it to shower the baby with attention, but the moment I see Nick jump, I know that’s not the case.

“Leave his ass alone,” I chastise my elderly grandma.

When she turns back my way, her eyes are wide with delight and she wears a devilish grin on her face. “That was an accident. I was hugging the baby.”

“Hey everyone, she’s definitely in labor,” Linkin says as he rushes into the waiting room. “They hooked her up to a fetal monitor, and the baby looks good. Heart rate’s strong and running one-fifty. Doc is on her way, and the nurse says it shouldn’t be too long. My mom is coming to grab the boys, and she offered to take Bri with her too.” Linkin glances at Dean and Payton before coming over and kissing both of his boys on the crowns of their heads.
