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Aunt Emma notices us in the clearing right away. “Hey! They’re back!” she bellows loudly, drawing everyone’s attention.

We make our way to where everyone is congregating, my mom pulling me into a hug as soon as she can. “You survived,” she says with a smile.

“Yeah.” Huh, I just realized I didn’t take any more Dramamine since yesterday morning and never once felt sick. “It was fun.”

“Well, good. I’m happy you had a good time and got to spend some time with Meghan. She seems really sweet.”

“She is. We’ve agreed to stay in touch,” I tell her as Rhenn comes up and takes my bag from my hand.

“I’ll just drop this at your place,” he says, offering me a quick wink before he goes. I follow his movement with my eyes as he takes my stuff, along with his bag of dirty clothes and sheets, and heads into my cottage.

“How did things go with him?” Mom asks, a knowing tone laced in her voice. When I glance at her, she’s smiling wide and her eyes twinkle just a little too brightly.

“It went…fine.” I should probably leave out the orgasm part.

“Just fine?” she asks, her eyebrows shooting heavenward. “I’d say by the way your face is practically glowing and you can’t take your eyes off him that it went a little better than fine.”

And cue the blush…

“I agree, Mary Ann. That look right there is one of a woman who let the captain plunder her treasure last night,” Aunt Emma interrupts, making me gasp with mortification. She steps closer and adds, “That man’s ass is finer than an expensive bottle of wine.” And to make matters worse, she steps closer yet and whispers, “I bet that man could really make you whine. Or moan. Or scream. Am I right?”

I choke. I start sputtering and coughing, trying to catch my breath. Finally able to suck in a deep breath of sweet oxygen, I glance her way, tears streaming down my face, and all eyes on me.

“You okay?” Harper asks, patting my back as a mom would to a small child.

Before I can answer that I was going to make it, Emma speaks for me just as Rhenn returns, a concerned look on his face. “Oh, she’s fine. She gave away her booty to the boat captain. Does that make you the wench or him a pirate?” she asks, glancing around for an answer to her question.

Harper busts into fits of laughter, while everyone else just seems to ignore Emma’s completely inappropriate question. Maybe they’ve already spent too much time with her on this short visit? Her granddaughters, while offering looks of pity, are clearly much more immune to her incorrigible behavior than we are.

“I’m going to start a load of laundry, and then I’ll help you pack up your car,” I say to Meghan, who is fighting a smile. I ignore everyone around me, and quickly retreat into my place. Bathed in quiet, I hear everyone start to speak again, all conversation of Rhenn and me and my...treasure all but forgotten.

“Need help?” Rhenn asks when he comes inside.

“I think I can manage,” I respond, grabbing his bag and taking it into the laundry room.

“I’m sure you can, but since it’s my stuff, you shouldn’t have to do it.” To prove his point, he very effectively moves me out of the way and places some of the dirty items from the bag into my washing machine. He grabs the bottle of detergent from the shelf, measuring out the appropriate amount, and dumps it on the bedding. He selects the correct setting on the machine, closes the lid, and turns my way, leaning his hip against the washer.

“So you’ve done that before.”

“I’ve managed to care for myself for thirteen whole years, thank you very much,” he teases with a wink.

Rhenn steps forward, all traces of humor wiped from his face, as he wraps his strong arms around me, pulling me close. His lips tease mine, the faintest of kisses placed along my jaw, and his hands dropping to grip my rear.

“We should probably get back outside to say goodbye to everyone,” I manage to say, albeit completely breathy.

“We should,” he says, sliding his tongue along the seam of my lips.

“Maybe after one more kiss?”

He doesn’t even respond, just plasters his lips to my own, drawing me into his large frame and holding me tight. His tongue delves inside my mouth, tasting and seducing me with every passing second. Finally, after thoroughly kissing me, he pulls back. “One more kiss may never be enough, Angel.”

Oh, he’s definitely a smooth talker. I’m putty in his hands when he says things like that to me. Even though I know he doesn’t necessarily mean it because eventually, our kisses will be enough. The end is on the horizon, bright and shining like a beacon in the night. That’s why I need to forget all about the sweet and sexy things he says to me.

One day, he’ll be gone.

And I’ll be nothing more than a memory, a good time.

But I’m afraid, if I don’t keep this thing in check, he’s liable to be so much more.
