Page 9 of Deadly Obsession

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“I want him found right now,” Huck Waterman barked through the phone. “Call your guy and find out where they are.”

He understood that Jack needed a break, but the guy wasn’t thinking clearly. The Vegas contract was too lucrative to pass up, and fuck if Huck was going to let Jack throw away the chance at a huge payoff. Jack Dane was tired. Huck got that. That was why Vegas would be perfect for him. He wouldn’t have to travel. It would offer a venue where Jack could belt out his songs with that amazing voice of his then go home every night when the show was over.

Of course, Jack would have to move to Vegas, but Huck already had someone scouting out a private residence for Jack. Someplace with high security and every luxury the man could ever want.

He just had to find Jack first.

“Is Mr. Dane in some sort of trouble?” Ian Driscoll asked.

The guy was too damn calm, which only pissed Huck off even further. “Not immediate danger, though you know he has some whack-job obsessing over him.”

“Comes with the territory,” Ian said. “Has this fan made any attempt?”

Huck ground his teeth. “That’s not the point, Mr. Driscoll. You’re supposed to be running a high-end security firm, yet one of your employees has absconded with the most famous country music artist in the world.”

“I’ll call Mr. Grant and assess the situation. If I feel he’s gone over the line, he’ll be dealt with. If this was Mr. Dane’s choice, what do you want me to do, Mr. Waterson? Do you want Mr. Grant to force him back to Vegas?”

“Just do what I fucking pay you to do,” Huck snapped. “Find Jack Dane, now.”

Huck ended the call, tempted to throw his phone. He still couldn’t believe Jack had blown off his engagements. Was he trying to commit career suicide? Artists had to stay on top, or they would lose ground. Fans were fickle as hell, and if Jack blew them off, they wouldn’t be pleased.

A knock sounded on his door. Huck didn’t want to see anyone right now. Not with the mood he was in. But Rachael Patsy strode in as if she owned Huck’s office. “You wanted to see me?”

What he wouldn’t give for an hour with the buxom blonde. She had legs that went on for miles and a killer body. She was also sinfully gorgeous. Right now Jack should have been balls deep in her, not running away. “Have you heard from Jack?”

Rachael shrugged. “You know Jack broke things off with me, but he’ll call when he wants to see me.”

Huck always thought the two had the strangest relationship. Jack had been dating her for over a year, always had his hand on the small of her back, but they never showed affection toward one another. No kissing, no slipping away to fool around. Yes, he paid close attention to Jack. That was his job.

“When was the last time you spoke with him?” Huck had a hard time not staring at her generous tits.

“You demanded I come in to ask about Jack?” Rachael seemed pissed. “What goes on between us is no one else’s business, Huck.”

If Huck wanted answers, he knew he needed a different approach. Rachael never took kindly to demands. He was surprised she’d come in at all. “He’s disappeared.”

Not a complete lie.

Concern clouded her green eyes. “What do you mean he’s disappeared? How in the fuck did you lose him, Huck?”

“I didn’t lose him, per se. He took off, won’t tell me where he is or where he’s going, and you know that’s not like him.”

She seemed to consider him. Huck knew she cared about Jack, was protective of him, and that was a good thing, unless Huck needed her to tell him where in the hell Jack was.

“I’ll reach out to him, but he just came off a world tour, Huck. Maybe he just needs some time to relax.” She headed for the door, and he knew no amount of arguing was going to change her mind.

He cursed as she closed the door. “Where in the hell are you, Jack?”

* * * *

Mendez reached into the bag and pulled out another taco, offering it to Jack. They sat on a picnic table in a secluded area not too far from the hotel. His mate had wanted to get out and get some fresh air, but Mendez had set down a few rules, which, of course, Jack argued about, but in the end, he gave in.

No attracting attention.

Keep his hat and glasses on at all times.

No goddam flirting.
