Page 24 of Ranger Danger

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He presses me against the side of the van with one hand, making it unable for me to move. “You still want to, even when you know what’s going to happen?”

I try to move when he pushes me back. If he wants to underline his strength, it’s working. Maybe he wants to give me an easy way out, maybe he doesn’t think I could ever love his dark ways, but I do. I crave it; I want more.

“I’m not afraid of you,” I tell him, the wind blowing my hair back.

A slow smile spreads across his face. He leans forward and slowly pulls the zipper of the puffy jacket together with the fleece I’m wearing down. I shiver from the sudden cold, and his feral smile grows. He takes the collar of my shirt between his fist and rips it down the middle.

I yelp and bite on my lip, panting hard as goosebumps cover my body, and my nipples turn to rocks.

His pupils dilate as he watches me squirm. “Are you scared yet?”

I shake my head. “No,” I say, feeling stronger than I’ve ever felt before.

“Is your clit twitching?” His voice has a rough edge to it, and I love how he adjusts the front of his thick pants.

I nod, watching him stare at my nipples. He wets his bottom lip and my clit throbs, wanting him to sink to his knees and tear my pants away and tease me until I come all over his face like I did before. Stepping forward, he places both hands on my breasts and kneads them roughly. My eyelids flutter closed from the sensation.

“I like your tits, but your pussy gets me hard as fuck, baby,” he whispers against my ear while his knuckles run over my zipper. “When we get inside, I’m going to fuck you in the ass and watch as you tease your clit for me,” he says as he bites my lobe.

I open my eyes on a groan and drape one leg over his butt. He lifts me up, and I try to hug my feet behind his back.

“You said I was yours till the roads clear?” I ask, waggling my brows. “Or was that another threat?”

“I did, and you like the danger of what we’re about to do, don’t you,” he husks out, smashing his mouth to mine, drawing me in for a mind-blowing kiss. Pulling back after he’s left my lips bruised and raw to the touch, he smiles, a misty cloud from his warm breath leaving his lips.

“Take me back to your bed,” I whisper against his ear, while snow falls all around us.

His big body vibrates with desire as he whistles for the dogs to follow us inside. We burst through the door in a tangled mess. I pout when he guides me to the fireplace instead of his bedroom.

“What are you doing?” I ask against his lips.

He sets us both on the couch while I cling to him like a spider monkey. “First, let me get something in the oven for later. And I want you to talk to me, kid, tell me what’s going on,” he says, kissing the tip of my nose.

“Okay,” I whisper, my heart making a little jump. We settle in front of the fire, laughing and talking about everyday things. Our favorite food, music, and movies. He smirks at my jokes, and I love listening to his Ranger stories. We make dinner together, working in sync while music softly plays in the living room on his old record player. The suspense of what he promised he is going to do is making my palms sweat. The way he keeps looking at me tells me he’s doing this on purpose. Is this what he meant by edging?

Late in the evening, we walk the dogs while snow softly drifts down. When we’re almost back at the cabin, I stop mid-step, and he looks back at me. “What are you doing?” he asks, following my gaze upward.

All above us stars line the nights sky; it’s breathtaking. In the distance, thunder roars and for a moment, the sky lights up with a single bolt of lightning.

“We’re in the eye of the storm, the wind and rain will melt the snow before we know it,” he rasps, looking at me.

I catch his intense stare. “You really think so?” My heart sinks because this means our time together could be over soon.

“I checked the weather report, and roads permitting, I can take you down the mountain tomorrow if you want,” he replies, the muscle in his jaw twitching.

Tears spring to my eyes. “You mean that?” I whisper, swiping at my cold nose.

He reaches out and caresses my face while I lean into him, pressing my cheek against his chest. Kissing the top of my head, he mutters, “We all need to go home someday, kid.”

I want to tell him I am home. Instead, I swallow back the lump in my throat and nod.

“Come on, it’s freezing.” His voice sounds a little hoarse. Trotting up the steps of his cabin, he stops and looks at me while he opens the door. Taking off my boots, I try to fake a smile as the dogs pile in and settle themselves in front of the fire.

“What is it?” I ask, trying to tame my wild hair when I take off my hat.

He runs a hand over his jaw, smiling softly. “Nothing, just thank you, Storm,” he says, closing the heavy door behind us.

“For what?” I ask, looking up into his eyes.
