Page 15 of X My Heart

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“You’re intrigued by her, admit it,” he states, pointing a Stanley knife in my face.

My lips turn up slightly, “I’m not intrigued. I don’t even know her. She’s hot, I’ll give her that. And she already pissed me off.”

He chuckles, and I shove him away. “Dude, this girl conversation has already lasted longer than any before.”

I throw some fake beer in his face to shut him up.

“Motherfucker,” he grunts, trying to take the bottle from me. I make a run for it but stumble over a couple stray dirt bike tires. “Fuck.” I laugh, clutching the door with both hands.

Jay walks up to us. “Stop horsing around,” he orders.

“Yes, Jay,” Drew says, and starts stacking boxes to the side of the garage.

“Yes, Jay,” I mimic his voice.

Drew raises his eyes to the ceiling in exasperation.

“So, your daughter,” I say, crossing my arms in front of me.

Jay balls his hands into fists, shaking his head. The message is clear. Don’t even think about it. I hold up my palms in surrender.

I grin. “Don’t forget to breathe, Jay, but I think your daughter…”

“Don’t even think about it, Cole,” Jay warns, pointing a finger in my face.

“I wouldn’t dare,” I tell him, shuffling out the door.

“I mean it, Hunter,” Jay warns. Him threatening me is a daily occurrence so I don’t even take it personally.

“Later, guys!” I chuckle. After walking to the training ground, I kick my Vans against a loose screw lying on the ground. Damn, I can’t get her dark eyes out of my mind. Last time Jay mentioned his daughter, he said she was living it up in New York. But she carries herself like a Californian surf girl, with her beachy hair, and that damn body hiding under her oversized shirt. I groan, brushing both my hands over my face.

Passing Mac working on his longboard, I whistle. I really need to go surfing with Drew again.

“Heading to the track?” he asks.

I salute him. “Just making sure everything is in order for the kids tomorrow.”

“Oh yeah, did Jay tell ya we’re having a barbeque later tonight? Thought I’d give you a heads up now in case you were planning on going to a meeting,” he says, his hands sliding over the surface of the board.

I shake my head, running my thumb across my bust up lip, “Jay didn’t say anything.” Interesting.

“Around seven,” Mac tells me.

I spread out my arms, “Thought about going to a meeting, but Jay’s daughter being back is going to be much more entertaining than sitting in a circle talking about our problems.”

“Play nice, Hunter,” he returns, continuing to sand down his board. “Might be good to have a female touch around here.”

“You know that’s not my style,” I joke, and he sighs. “Later, Mac,” I say, still thinking about those chocolate-colored eyes of hers. Perhaps the next couple weeks are going to be entertaining after all.


I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping. I check my messages on my laptop; there’s a couple from my mother and even one from my little brother, asking me if there are a lot of insects here. He’s obsessed with the scary creatures, any critter really, and probably figured California would be filled with them because Jay’s compound is pretty off the grid.

I answer their messages and go through my emails. I have one from Peter, my ex-boyfriend and Tim’s brother, who’s studying to become a neurosurgeon, asking me how I’m doing. I reply and let him know I’m okay. Immediately, my screen lights up with a smiley face. I also have a message from Timothy asking how I’m holding up, and letting me know he’s coming to visit soon with his best friends, aka lots of green buddies.

Closing my MacBook, I sit up. I’m a little bit dizzy—probably because I haven’t had anything to eat since this morning.

Voices travel up through the open patio doors of my room. Slowly, I head downstairs. I enter the kitchen, and Drew is already busy making a salad. He smiles at me in greeting.
