Page 60 of Evolve

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An evil grin replaces the affronted look as he plants his hands on his narrow hips.

“Give me the gun, Cariño, now,” he says in that commanding voice that instantly makes me wild with need.

“Bite me, doofus” I grit out, looking back and forth between the sexy as fuck man standing across from me and the living room. No one has come down the stairs but I can’t imagine it will be long before Maddox makes his way down here. I still need to secure my weapon and the distraction from my first task has me swiftly filled with irritation.

“Did you seriously just call me that?” Gage asks, still grinning like the Cheshire cat, his voice laced with amusement. My eyes shoot back in his direction and I muster my best glare. It has the opposite effect as he barks out a sharp laugh.

“Shut up!” I whisper-yell, glancing back at the stairs. I slowly begin to work my way around to the other side of the island so that I can escape the kitchen. Gage tracks the movement and matches each of my steps, slowly pursuing me like a lion hunting its prey.

“What the fuck is going on?” Nyx grunts as he steps into the kitchen, impressively large arms crossed over his even more impressive chest. I fight the urge to run away from him, the feelings of betrayal and embarrassment quickly filling me.

No. I will not run from him. I force myself to meet his penetrating gaze as he takes in my outfit and the situation. He doesn’t smile or laugh, just glares. It pisses me off. My eyes drag down his body and I realize he’s fully dressed. He even has leather boots on that look like they are for when someone rides a motorcycle.

But that’s not what’s caught my eye.

Raising the gun in my hands, I aim it directly at the big bastard who is still glowering at me. His eyes narrow so much that I’m surprised he can still see me.

“Don’t you dare!” he growls, shaking his head. A big smile spreads across my face.Asshole.

“Give me your belt and no one will get wet!” I demand, placing my finger over the trigger. I don’t break eye contact with Nyx, even when I hear Gage murmurtoo late. I fight the urge to squeeze my thighs together, which would only further piss me off when I find that he’s right. Nyx doesn’t move but his eyes track my finger on the trigger. “Now!” I shout, instantly angry with myself for possibly giving up my location.

“You wouldn’t,” he grunts. Whatever look takes over my face must have him rethinking my seriousness because after another moment of scowling, he drops his arms and slowly, so fucking slowly, removes his belt.

Dance Monkey-Tones and I

“Good boy. Slide it across the island and don’t do anything stupid,” I command. He steps toward the island and does as I say, never looking away from my face. I give myself a high-five internally.Dance little monkey, dance. “Now step away, the both of you. Arms up where I can see them or you’ll both be eating led!”

“She is aware that those are water guns, right?” Stone murmurs, appearing out of thin air like he often does. He steps into my line of sight and smiles widely as he takes in the situation.

Nyx grits his teeth but reverses back out of the kitchen. Gage laughs and raises his hands in surrender before stepping out. As soon as all of the men are out of close proximity, I drop both weapons onto the counter behind me and snag the belt, moving quickly.

My tongue darts out between my teeth and I bite down as I thread the belt through the larger gun, between the water chamber and the handle. I connect the ends of the belt, clicking it into the tightest notch before dropping it over my head. I place an arm through the circle so that the weapon lays on my back and the belt settles between my breasts.

Happy to have completed my first task, I pick up the second gun and look up, only to findfourmen staring back at me.

“What?” I question. Why are they all staring at me? And when and the fuck did Maddox sneak down here?

“That’s uh, that’s smart,” Stone murmurs, eyeing my holster with a shocked expression. I shrug, because I know it’s smart. I’m a woman. Clearly, my intelligence knows no bounds. “What made you think to do that?”

“Huh? Why are we talking about this right now? We’ve got more important things going on!” I cry out, gesturing to Maddox who looks like he robbed a fucking toy store. Jesus Christ. The man has more weapons on him than necessary. “Why do you have so many and I only have two?” I shout, stomping my foot at the injustice.

Maddox smirks as he looks down at his guns lovingly. “Oh, what? These old things? They are pretty, huh?” he sighs like they really are prized possessions. “I have them all for a very good reason, baby girl.” My brows rise in question. “Isn’t it obvious?” I look at him then,really look.

The tall, chiseled, tattooed god is shirtless, wearing nothing but gym shorts. He’s strapped with weapons but they aren’t all on him properly. He has real holsters around his chest and waist, each holding a large water gun. But he has others hanging over his shoulders haphazardly.

It’s stupid. EvenI knowthat’s no way to arm yourself.

“They aren’t all for me, baby girl.” Maddox’s smile turns into a mischievous grin seconds before he turns, tossing the extra guns at Nyx, Stone, and Gage. Like some sort of planned military move, all four of them turn on me at once, raising their weapons and smiling.

Oh. Fuck. No.

I let out an embarrassingly loud scream as I drop to the floor, taking cover behind the island just as a hurricane’s worth of water flies over my head.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chanted. “This isn’t fair! You all can't just gang up on me and block me in here!” I shout, desperately searching for a way out. There isn’t one.

“Sure we can,” Maddox grunts as he slides across the wet floor, coming to a stop right in front of me.

My gun is aimed at him instantly, as though it’s second nature. I pump the lever, filling the tank before hitting the trigger, soaking Maddox right in his dimpled face.
