Page 61 of Evolve

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His surprise makes me smile but I use it as an opening to get away. Bending over, I tuck my head and roll, in a move I didn’t even know I possessed. I tumble, evading him as he returns fire, narrowly missing my back. I pop up from the ground, darting to the other side of the island to take in the scene.

Surprisingly, Nyx, Gage, and Stone have all turned on each other and are in an all-out, water fight in the living room.

Stone is darting up the stairs at a rapid pace, the back of his light gray shirt completely soaked. He has one gun tucked into a belt around his waist, the other much larger weapon in his hands. Once he reaches the first landing, he spins on his heels and takes in the fight below him before his wild eyes land on me.

A massive grin spreads across his face that I can’t help but return.

Maddox slides up next to me, drawing my attention away from Stone. I aim my gun, ready to take this asshole out before he attacks me. His hands fly up in surrender and my brows draw in. Already? We just started.

“How about we team up and get some payback for last night?” he murmurs with a playful smirk. My eyes widen before finding our new target.

Nyx is barking out curses left and right as his big body moves around the living room, trying to find a way out. Stone is raining water down upon Nyx from the first stair landing and Gage has Nyx trapped behind the couch. His only way out would be the front door or the door that leads to the underground garage. Both would be a bitch move.

It dawns on me then that after that first attack, none of the men have come for me. Everyone seems to be ganging up on the resident asshole. My eyes flit to Maddox’s in question.

“What? We all agreed he deserves it,” he shrugs before turning back to the sink to refill his weapons. “Come load up. We’ve got an asshole to take down.”

A few minutes later, our weapons are full and Maddox and I are sneaking into the living room. Nyx has come out from behind the couch, deciding to no longer hide. He has somehow disarmed Gage who is retreating to the stairs, arms up in a placating gesture.

“Come on, Nyx, brother, it wasn’t my idea,” Gage soothes, never taking his eyes off the beast now holding four guns. Nyx has an evil as hell grin on his face as he converges on the oldest Luna brother. Maddox and I glance at each other, a plan quickly coming to mind.

In an unspoken move, we separate, going in different directions, as we silently sneak up on Nyxon. Maddox comes in from the front and I tiptoe to the other side of the room so that I can come up behind the giant man who is prowling toward Gage and Stone.

“Surrender your weapons, Stone and this can all be over,” Nyx barks, the largest of the guns resting on his shoulder like a rifle as he aims it at the two men. Stone see’s Maddox first and tries to distract Nyx so he can take his opening.

“Never gonna happen, brother. It’s three against one. Just give up already and take your punishment!”

“Punishment? The fuck for?” Nyx sputters, standing up tall and taking his eye off the focus.

“You know what for,” Gage grunts, crossing his arms over his soaked shirt. I smile at the sight. The white material is now see-through and I would literally do anything for him to just take the fucking shirt off. His bulging muscles are just as beautiful as his hard, protruding cock earlier. He really is a fucking sight.

“Are you fucking for real?” Nyx booms as the reality of his predicament settles in. “This is all because of last night? Fucks sake.”

“What did you expect? You brought another woman here without talking to us first,” Maddox mutters as he comes to stand in front of Nyx but he’s looking past him and directly at me while he speaks. “Youdrunkenlybrought somerandombitch here, exposing us and our house just to hurt Ella.” Maddox’s emphasis on the words doesn’t escape me.

Drunk? He was drunk?

Hope surges inside of me. She was random and he was drunk. It’s nothiswoman or girlfriend. He got drunk and hooked up with someone. I force down the relief that immediately floods me. Does it really matter if he still did all that just to hurt me? Yes, but it changes nothing.

He’s still not mine and he’s still a dick to me.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nyx growls, stepping in closely toward Madd.

I use his distraction to come up right behind him. In a move so quick that no one sees it coming, I yank both of his belted guns out of their holsters, tossing them behind me. I pull the long thin gun from the sheath on his back and drop it into the growing pile. Nyx spins, turning his seething glare on me and I raise my own gun, letting lose a massive spray of water, soaking him right in his annoying face.

“Holy fuck, how did she do that?” Maddox mutters in shock a the same time Gage lets out a whistle in appreciation.

Nyx’s scowl deepens but I’m too happy to care. His eyes narrow on me right before he surprises me by dropping his last gun and charging forward. I let out an obnoxious squeal when I’m suddenly lifted off the ground and tossed backward. My heart pounds in my chest as I land with athudon the couch. Nyx is immediately there, leaning down on top of me.

I suck in a breath at his proximity. What is he doing? His eyes drop down to my mouth and my tongue darts out to wet my suddenly dry lips. Nyx tracks the movement and everything,everythinginside of me screams in anticipation.

He’s going to kiss me.

He’s going to kiss me.

He’s going to kiss me.

Nyx leans in, hovering just above my mouth, and my eyes close on instinct. I can feel him as he gets closer and closer. My heart is beating so rapidly that I know he can feel it against his own chest. My body hones in on this moment, his body on top of mine, fitting perfectly.
