Page 11 of A Lie in Church

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Tristan’s lips wavered, and he stepped closer, knowing he had the congregation’s support now. He took my hands. I tried pulling them away, but he held them tightly.

How many fights do I have to put up? Will everyone believe me if I take off my heel and pluck out his eyeballs?

“We’ll get through this, Chloe, I promise,” he said as if he meant every word, and I had to remind myself that this was all an act.

Why is he doing this?If he didn’t feel like getting married anymore, he could have stopped the wedding and left. No need for more drama.

I turned my head to look at everyone in the church; they were all staring at me like they wanted me to admit everything was true. Some were smiling, and others gave me a look of contempt. My eyes stopped moving when they landed on my sister, noticing her hands were fisted by her sides. Our eyes locked, and I felt like I’d found my savior. My sister could prove him wrong. She’d known me her whole life; we shared every secret. She knew this was all a lie.

She started walking toward us in her white Louboutin T-strap pumps that clicked on the marble floor, and I smiled. At least I had someone to save me from whatever this psycho was up to.

I pulled away from him as she got closer, but she wasn’t smiling. I suspected it was because of Tristan.

Kick his ass, Ciara! Tell him not to mess with your kid sister.

My shoulders relaxed with hope when she stopped in front of me, but what happened next, I didn’t see it coming.

Ciara gave me a slap, the sound of it echoing in the church. I heard a few people gasp. I was shocked too. My cheek stung at the contact. It was the first time in months she’d ever hit me. I touched where she’d just slapped me and stared at her with wide eyes. She didn’t look like she regretted it.

The last time she’d slapped me was because I had eaten her last piece of pizza that she was saving to eat later. It resulted in a fight, and I’d ended up with a sore arm.

My jaw was slightly down as I stared, wide-eyed, at my sister, who I looked up to.

Tristan’s towering form moved in front of me, taking a protective stance, hiding me from my sister.

“That’s enough. If you touch her again, I will charge you with assault.” He sounded very angry.

I stared at his broad back as his tall frame shielded me from my sister’s wrath. A tear rolled down my left cheek. At this point, there was no need to try to convince anyone of the truth. My sister, with whom I shared everything, believed the lies too.



“Stay out of this, Tristan. This is between my sister and me,” Ciara said, sounding very upset. Her forehead creased in anger as she looked behind him, meeting my frightened eyes.

“She is my girlfriend, and I won’t let you hit her again. I swear to you, if I see any mark on her face, I’m suing you.”

I should applaud this guy. He sounded very angry, and Ciara appeared scared for a moment.

Why was I even hiding? I had to face her. Hiding was only going to make everyone think all this was true. I wiped the tear that had escaped from my left eye and walked forward.

“Babe …” Tristan grabbed my arm.

“Get your filthy hands off me!” I snapped, pulling my hand away. I met my sister’s heavy gaze.

“Do you realize what you just did?” Ciara asked.

“Ciara, I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

“Stop with the lies already!”

I flinched at the furious tone of her voice.

“You also believe he’s telling the truth? You really think I’m pregnant?” I asked with tears gathering at the corners of my eyes.


“You’ve known me since I was a kid. I’ve shared everything with you. We live in the same house. Does any of this make sense to you?!”
