Page 176 of A Lie in Church

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His face seemed to shine behind his smile.

“Rose was an angel sent to me. She helped me after I lost my dad. She made me see the world differently and inspired me to save lives.”

I saw his wedding ring. He wasn’t lying, but I still had my doubts, so I kept my hand on the emergency button.

“I am not the same person, Chloe, and I’m very sorry for hurting you. I wish I could go back in time and change things.”

“It’s fine. I don’t even remember it.” I waved it off with a laugh.

I wished he would just leave; his presence terrified me and made me uneasy.

“What about the scar?”

“I just tell myself I once had wings.”

He nodded with his lips dipped down in sadness. I could see the guilt written on his face. He looked like he had so much to say to me but didn’t know where to begin.

“So, you and Tristan Sanchester. How did you get involved in such a scandal? And the baby?”

“It’s a long story.”

“Okay, maybe you will tell me another time.” He stood up.

Another time? You wish.I hope I never see you again.

“If you need anything, let me know and stay out of trouble. It seems that part of you is still there.”

I faked a toothy grin.

“Take care, Chloe. I will see you before I leave.”

Please, no.

“See you later, Chloe.”

He waved, and I reciprocated.

The door opened when he turned to leave. Tristan smiled at me before looking at Dominiano.

“Hi,” he said, bringing his hand up for a handshake. Dominiano accepted. “I hope she’s better.”

“Yeah. Take good care of my Chloe,” he said and looked over his shoulder at me.

Tristan looked a bit confused at his request, but he nodded. Dominiano left as Tristan walked in with two bags in one hand.

“What did I miss?” he asked.

“You won’t believe what I’m about to tell you.”

“Try me,” he said, folding his arms.

“That was Dominiano, and he works here. Can you believe that?”

“Dominiano? Your ex?” His smile vanished and he appeared enraged as his facial muscles clenched.

“Yeah, but—”

He was already running out of the room before I could explain.
