Page 9 of A Lie in Church

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What is this asshole up to, and why me?

Don’t punch him, Chloe. Don’t break his nose, Chloe. Don’t knee his crotch, Chloe. Just stay calm and convince everyone he is lying.

“Why are you doing this?” I fought to keep my tears at bay as I spoke.

“You should calm down, babe; it’s not good for the baby if you’re angry,” he said with a worried tone, his blue eyes looking at me like he adored me.

“What baby, Tristan?” I screamed.

“Babe, I understand you’re scared everyone knows about us now,” he said, trying to touch me, but I moved back, my face twitching with rage.

God, what a good actor, but why is he wasting his talent on me?

“Who would’ve thought the innocent-looking little sister of my best friend was this vile?” Sofia squeaked.

I turned to look at her and immediately wished I hadn’t. “Sofia, I—”

She cut me off with killer eyes. “Is that why you avoided me every time I came to visit? Because you were sleeping with my boyfriend?”

Am I trapped in a horrific dream?That had to be the only explanation.

“No!” I snapped. Someone had to believe this was all a lie.

“I swear I’m seeing him for the first time. I had homework and projects from school when you—”

“Oh, please. Enough with the excuses. The truth is out already, so stop denying it. How could you be so wicked?”

I was speechless.

Why is everyone believing him? Do I look pregnant? Why would I even wanna get involved with this psychopath?

“I’m sorry, Sofia. I wish I’d told you earlier,” Tristan said with a tone that could convince anyone this was all true and real.

My case was different. It was as if I were screaming but no one could hear me.

“You just ruined my life, Tristy.” Sofia sniffled, heavy tears mixing with her mascara and streaming down her cheeks like black ink.

Tristy?I tried not to laugh, even with the situation at hand. It sounded like the name of a candy bar.

“You just disgraced me and my family in front of hundred people” she said, sobbing. Her shoulders sagged.

“I’m sorry,” Tristan said.

“I hope you have a miscarriage and die in the process.” She lashed out at me with a burning stare, storming out of the church while crying.

Well, that is harsh, and I hope you trip on your heels and smash your face on the ground to the point that no one recognizes you, I wanted to yell after her but stopped myself.

I understood her anger, but why should I be the only one blamed? My only crime was attending the wedding.

Sofia’s parents stood up and walked toward us. Her mother was already in tears. I felt so guilty, like it was really my fault.

“Mrs. Nova …” I kept my mouth shut when her husband shot me a cold glare.

They walked out of the church quietly. I guessed it wasn’t a wedding drama; it was real.

“Are you happy now?” I turned to Tristan with teary eyes, but I maintained a straight face.

“Yeah, I’m happy we finally got to tell everyone the truth, and we can be together now,” he said with a soft smile that made his stupid blue eyes sparkle with mischief.
