Page 82 of Forced Allegiance

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We had guards stationed around the perimeter. Our own snipers were in place just in case anything happened during the speeches. They had been searching the guests and trying to make sure that no one in the crowd of over five hundred tried to kill us.

The mic was passed between different mafia dons who had come in for the wedding from other cities, people that we worked with, and then people in the community and local governments. They gave us warm wishes and people wished us a long and healthy life with many children.

I could feel Bria trying not to frown every time someone mentioned the word babies. The expectation that went with children held such a stigma for mafia women. We knocked them up and then kept them at home. That wasn’t going to happen in her case and wasn’t a surprise to me. Our children would be cherished, as they should be, but Bria would always come first for me. Her happiness meant more to me than anything else in this life, and I would do anything to make it so.

My mother grabbed the mic to give a speech. Shocking the crowd, but I knew she would see it as her duty to speak for her husband. Bria held my hand tight and gave all her attention to my mother.

Another thing that made me love her so much, she adored my mother and respected her.

“My dear son, I love you more than words can ever say, and you have finally met your match with Bria. This is what Angelo and I would have wanted for you.” She teared up just a little bit. “Bria, you brought fresh life into our home, and brought so much joy and laughter. I wish for you both a long and happy life together. But know that there are always going to be moments with tears and unhappiness but those of happiness far outweigh the bad ones. Even at the end. Make sure that you love each other and that you love hard and fast because life can end suddenly and there’s no knowing when your time together will be up. So hold on to each other. To the best son and now my daughter-in-law, I’m so glad you could join our family. You make our family complete.”

Bria had tears in her eyes, then she jumped up and ran over to my mother and gave her a long hug. They both cried in each other’s arms, and I took in the moment. This was something I never wanted to forget.

The wedding ended with the cutting of the cake and the throwing of the bouquet. People began to get in their cars to leave and we went back in the house. Both of us were eager for people to be gone so we could be alone.

Bria joined me to change out of the wedding dress after telling her parents goodbye. Elana and her sister prepared to leave as well as their accompaniment of guards escorted them back to their apartment safely.

A surprising knock on the door interrupted our first kiss behind closed doors as a couple. We both groaned. We were ready to make love as husband and wife.

“Mom,” I exclaimed in surprise. “Please come in.”

She stepped into the room and took a seat on the closest chair. Bria went and sat down next to her, ready to put our evening on hold for her.

“I don’t mean to interrupt, after all, it is your wedding night, but we do need to talk about some next steps.”

“Of course, Krysten, whatever you need.”

“Yes, anything you need, Mom.” I crouched down in front of her as tears welled up in her eyes.

“You need to go on your honeymoon and spend some time together.” She raised her hand when both Bria and I were about to argue. “Go, take the time to enjoy each other. I don’t want you to stay here while we prepare for the funeral. This is supposed to be a loving and happy time for you two, your relationship needs to be strengthened, that won’t happen with all the problems occurring right now. Those who need justice will still be out there when you return. This will give us some time to work on it while you’re away. You need to bask in each other and not worry about what’s happening here. You’ll never get this chance again.” She let it all out in a long tirade.

“Are you sure, Mother? We don’t want to leave you alone here.” My voice caught. “He just died and that seems like such a bad idea to go away while both businesses try to stay afloat.”

“I agree, we could always go on a honeymoon later.”

“Nope, I’m more than capable of keeping things going while you are gone. Stefano can help. He’s been your right hand man for years and will be able to take care of anything that isn’t urgent. It’s not like you’re going somewhere far away, there are phones and we can get you home within a few short hours if we need to.” She patted my arm then Bria’s. “I’m determined on this. It’s important that you go and be newlyweds. You’ll never get this chance again.”

“If you’re sure.” I leaned forward to hug her.

Bria stood to the side and was letting me handle things for once.

“I am.” She gave a little sniff and stood. “Check with Stefano, but I think you’ll find that we are more than ready to take care of matters while you’re gone.”

“Thank you.” I closed the door after her and turned to Bria.

“What do you think?” It was time to start including her in the decisions. Most mafia dons might not have asked their wife for advice, but I knew that my parents’ marriage had worked because they had loved and respected each other.

“This will give her a chance to do something besides just wallowing in grief. I’m hesitant to leave though, she just lost her husband, and what if she needed you emotionally. But I know she won’t want to let things fall apart and nothing is so urgent that you can’t be consulted if necessary.” She came over and wrapped her arms around me. “Anyone trying to get to us won’t come to the house while they believed we were mourning here. They’ll know that it will be heavily guarded and would be a suicide mission.”

I took in what she had to say. “We would always be available to her, and be home as quick as possible.” Bria nodded. “Instead of leaving tonight like we’d originally planned, would you be okay waiting another day so that we can get everything taken care of until we get back?” I tilted her chin up so that I could look into her eyes and be sure of her decision.

“Yes, do what needs to be done, my love. We’ll get through this together.”

“Let me go check with Stefano and see what he thinks. If he agrees with my mother, then we’ll go and enjoy each other,” I promised, hating to leave her alone when I’d just married her.

“Go, I’ll be fine. I need to wash all this hairspray out of my hair and get rid of this makeup.” She chuckled. “I’ll miss you, but I’ll manage to survive while you’re gone.” She winked.

“Okay.” I kissed her again for good measure.
