Page 83 of Forced Allegiance

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I found Stefano in my office.

“You are going on your honeymoon.” The first words out of his mouth weren’t a surprise because my mother was nothing if not resourceful.

“So I see. What did she say that convinced you?” I sighed and took a seat behind the desk.

“She’s right. Now is the time to celebrate what you have. You love Bria and so that should be your first priority. Your father would have wanted you to keep on as planned,” Stefano said in agreement.

I groaned. “Are you sure though? Won’t this be the perfect opportunity for someone to come in and take over?”

“No, I’ve booked you under an assumed name and you’ll be on the private jets. It’s not where you’d planned to go and it was all done through one of my contacts. If he leaks your name or destination, I’ll personally have his head.” Stefano smiled. “Everyone will think you are here mourning the death of your father. They won’t expect you to be out and about yet. Even after getting married in a huge ceremony.”

“Very well. I’ll let Bria know.” I did want to whisk my wife away and have some alone time with her, but the responsibilities and mourning of my father weighed heavily on my mind too.

“Go back to your bride. There’s nothing here that requires your attention, and I’ll message you as soon as something comes up.” He waved his hand at me. “Go.”

“If I didn’t trust you so much, I’d think you were plotting against me.” I chuckled at the idea.

“Your family and lives are safe in my hands.” He put a fist over his heart as if he was vowing to me.

I nodded and headed out of the room. “Thank you, my friend.”

Bria had just stepped out of the shower.

“We’re going to go ahead and leave Friday, Stefano has agreed to fill in so we can leave under false names. He’ll keep me informed of things that happen while we’re gone.”

I gazed up and down at my sexy wife, and I loved the thought of that. I loved calling her my wife. I loved calling her mine.

Before anything else could happen though, Bria put on a towel and called her father.

I moaned at her for covering up. She smirked at me.

“Dad, can you help while we’re not available for the week? We’ve made a lot of changes already. I just need you to oversee them and make sure that everything goes off okay from that end. Not do anything stupid while we’re gone,” she warned him.

I could hear him chuckle. “You young things act like I haven’t done this for years.”

“Well, you’re not allowed to kill any of the Romano family or their workers or any of our workers. Is that understood?” She was being crystal clear. She was obviously making sure everything was covered and that we didn’t return to bloodshed.

“Yes,” her father grumbled.

“It’s just for one week,” she admonished him, and I laughed when she rolled her eyes. “And that doesn’t mean you can start killing them when we get back, but I’d like you to behave yourself for one week. Can you do that?” She tried to hold back a giggle. She must’ve realized how ridiculous this conversation was.

“I’ll try.” He sounded like he was going to suffer for it.

“Well, I suppose that’s the best I can ask for.” She hung up without saying goodbye.

She huffed, and rolled her neck around, then her gaze landed on me with the most seductive smile playing at her lips.

“I feel like something was interrupted earlier.” She dropped the towel as she spoke.

“You are correct, my lovely wife.” We needed to have some alone time.

* * *

I hugged my mother goodbye on Friday morning.

“You make sure to take care of yourself while we’re gone.”

“Yes, son.” She rolled her eyes at me. “I’ve been taking care of things for longer than you’ve been alive. I think I can handle a week all alone.”
