Page 56 of Love Me Like You Do

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“And how might we celebrate you no longer working there?”

“With a sexy shower and if you play your cards right, I might be persuaded to give you an all-access private show.”

“All access?”

“Yep. All access.” She winks. “Now, let’s start the celebrations with our sexy shower.”

“After you.” I help her off the vanity and into the shower for one that I will never ever forget.

* * *

Calliopeand I have the most amazing weekend together. We fuck. We talk. We explore the city and we fuck some more. Before we know it, it’s time for me to head back to Silverbell. She travels to the airport with me. The car trip is quiet. “When will I see you next?” she quietly asks, her tone sad and aloof.

“I don’t know.”

“Ohh,” she whispers. I hate seeing and hearing her so down.

“Look at me, Sunshine.” She turns her gaze to me. “We may not be together, together but you are always in here.” I cover my heart with my hand and tap. “We have FaceTime and I’ll do my best to come and visit you again as soon as I can.”

“I wish I could come home and see you but …”

“I know, I want that too but you know, if we don’t hide this, we can. We can shout it from the clifftop, I just want to be with you, Sunshine.”

“I want that too but … but I’m just not ready. I don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of you, I just don’t want to ruin your relationship with Daddy if we don’t pan out.”

“Sweetheart, you don’t need to defend yourself to me. I understand completely where you’re coming from. This is new territory for me too.”

“So you don’t bang all your best friend’s daughters?”

“Nope. Don’t get me wrong, Cari is nice but she’s not you.”

“Thanks, I think,” she playfully replies, shuffling across the back seat to snuggle into my side.

Draping my arm around her, I pull her closer and press a kiss to her hair and cup her head. “You are the only daughter of my best friend that I want.”

“I know, Kane, and for the record, you are the only friend of my dad’s that I want too. I’ve had a crush on you since I was a little girl and I can say, it was worth the wait. I’ve had the time of my life with you this weekend, Kane, and I look forward to many more.”

“You can be my sexy dirty little secret for now, but I won’t hide us forever, Calliope.”


… two weeks later

It’s official, I’m returning to Silverbell. After quitting The Nirvana Lounge and having the most amazing weekend with Kane, I started job hunting but fate was on my side, I got a job immediately. You are now looking at the new MD—marketing director—at The Clifton. I have my first real adult job, not the stripping kind of adult but a real nine-to-five adult job.

While Kane and I were sexing it all up in New York, Kerrie, his current marketing director, quit leaving him in the lurch. It seems, she was not happy living in a ‘Podunk secret-and-rumor-filled hick town with more scandals than Hollywood’ and she’s better than that. The rumors were buzzing as to what rumors she was referring to.

Dad being Dad, he manipulated Kane into offering me the job, not that it took much convincing. After our amazing weekend together and my currently being unemployed, it was a no-brainer when Kane called with his predicament and offer. Not only do I now have a job in the field I studied in, but it also means I will now be in the same town as Kane too. It will be hard to keep us hush-hush but as soon as I know what we have is more than just my crush coming to life, we will come clean. I have to admit, the thrill of sneaking around is adding to the fun of our relationship.

Kane is everything I imagined him to be and more. He’s attentive, funny, and ohh so dirty in the most deliciously sexy way. I always thought phone sex was sleazy and cheap but in actual fact, it’s really really fucking hot. There’s something about watching a man fall apart just from your words.

The only downside to returning, the rumors. The rumor mill is currently in overdrive—hello, it’s Silverbell—nothing new there. At the moment, Kane is front and center of the gossip mill. Rumors are rife that Kerrie and he were having an affair, and when he wouldn’t have a baby with her, she lost her shit and that’s why she quit and left town. Don’t know how either can have an affair when both are single, but I guess technically he’s still married because Danica still refuses to sign the divorce papers. Scandal aside, I have a marketing job, just like I always wanted, and I’m excited for the new venture ahead. Plus, I’ll be living with Fern.

When she found out I was returning, she offered me her spare room and I jumped at the chance to live with my bestie. All we need now is for Raven to return and our trio will be whole again, but I can’t see that happening anytime soon, or ever, actually. Rave is happy and in love in Chicago. He’s a teaching assistant at the U of C—University of Chicago. He happened to find love with the professor he TAs for, and a girl. Yep, Raven Mitchell, the loudmouth goofball from Silverbell Shore is living as part of a throuple and I could not be happier for him, James, and Abi.

Saying goodbye to Nicole was hard but we promised to keep in touch. Miss Rhi, being the amazing lady that she is, threw a surprise going away party at the club for me. She closed for the afternoon, something she has never done before, and the girls and I had one last hurrah together on the stage. Dancing and drinking the afternoon away.

Now, I’m walking into the country club with Cari, Mom, and Dad for my welcome home dinner. We are seated and I notice that the table is set for seven. “Are we expecting company?”
