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No. No. No.

She held her hand up to stop them. But even that didn’t deter them one bit.

“Stay,” she shouted, but that worked even less. She tried to outrun them, but they were upon her soon enough and she found herself surrounded by a selection of dogs of all sizes. They licked her and nuzzled her and she stood absolutely still, rigid with her arms down her sides.

“Go away,” she cried but it was too late. She had already started sneezing. Because that was what happened when she came into contact with dogs. Not that it stopped her from having dogs. She loved them but at this point in time, she didn’t need a sneezing fit to interfere with her escape plans.

Fuck my life.

She shooed them. She picked up a couple of sticks and threw them as far as she could. They looked at her, looked at where the sticks had landed, then looked at her again.


Ignoring them now, sneezing every other minute or two, she had to go looking deeper for a means of escape. The dogs followed her every move.

She found the chicken coop and gave herself and possibly the chickens, too a heart attack when she stumbled upon them. Did no one understand how scary chickens were?

She found a garage, but it was empty. She found another that was filled with vintage cars… in parts.

God help her.

She could try walking until she came to the main road, but she wasn’t equipped with a great sense of direction, and the certainty of her getting lost was ten out of ten. And then she’d get eaten by bears. Real ones. At least in a car, she might still end up lost, sure, but her chances of being the hors d'oeuvres for a bear were much slimmer.

She had to find some means of transportation out of there.

She opened the bright red door to what she assumed was a barn and all she saw was heavy-duty farming equipment and a couple of tractors.

She gritted her teeth, sagged her shoulders, and closed her eyes.


That was going to be her getawaycar. She quickly examined one and found a key in the ignition. It couldn’t be any harder than driving a car. She hoped.

She tripped and fumbled over the dogs to get back to the house, still sneezing, since they wouldn’t leave her alone. She tried to sprint back but the dogs thought it was a game, and kindly provided themselves as obstacles to her course.

She had planned to put on her yoga pants at least. It didn’t matter that it was not laundered. But she could hardly go out in nothing but a T-shirt and no bra or panties.

Except the dogs suddenly discarded her and turned their attention elsewhere. And that’s when she heard the faint sounds of their truck coming back.

Oh fuck.

Change of plans and it did not involve pants.

She had to leave that instant. With the dogs happily distracted, she was able to make her way quickly back to the barn. And at least her sneezes were far and few between now.

“Please, please,” she begged to any entity who would listen to her pleas.

She swung open both the doors of the barn, then awkwardly got into the tractor. The leather was cold against her bare ass but also soothing against her recent spanking.

Trembling almost uncontrollable, she tried to familiarize herself with the workings of the tractor. She gave herself ten seconds to do that.

Oh heck.

After having to adjust the seat so she could just about reach what she hoped was the clutch, she pressed down then turned on the ignition and rejoiced in victory as the sound of the engine filled the air.

Now she just had to make it move.

Stammering and stuttering, stalling and even stopping completely, she slowly made her way out of the barn. The last thing she wanted was to crash into the other tractors or the other equipment and ruin her chances of escaping.
