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She glared at him as if he had asked the stupidest question in the history of questions.

“Umm… anywhere as long as I was away from you three,” she replied, her tone rimmed with sarcasm.

“Answer the question,” Lawson said. It was the first time he had actually spoken to her directly and his opening line wasanswer the question?

She sealed her lips. Somehow they knew her trying to escape came with bigger connotations than just well…trying to escape them.

I have to meet with a sordid gossip writer and pay him money I don’t have so he doesn’t publish unflattering pictures of me, which I don’t care about, but he also intends to write about a story of an accident that happened ten years ago and for which I’m to blame. I can’t let that get out. Not now when there are guns pointed at both mine and Emily’s heads. Her’s is real and mine might be a metaphor, but both weapons could kill us. I can’t tell anyone either because one wrong move on my part, the delicate control I’m trying so desperately hard to maintain will shatter and lives will be lost.

No one would understand how this was aherproblem. Only she could solve, she would know because she had spent sleepless nights trying to come up with a solution that would keep both Emily and her safe. Any move she made outside of what she had been instructed to do would pull the triggers.

No one would understand that. Not her over-protective-kill-anyone-who-dared-hurt-her then ask questions later, brothers. Not Alyson. And not these men. The only thing she was inadvertently doing was putting them in danger by association with her.

“Are you going to talk?”

“No. I want to leave. You can’t keep me here. It’s against the law. I’m twenty-four years old and I don’t answer to anyone.”

“You answer to your brothers. They’re your guardians until you reach the age of twenty-five. Until then you answer to them and they’ve now given us the authority that you answer to us,” Rowan said quietly, almost gently.

“We can help you, sweetheart, if you tell us what’s going on,” Cameron said softly. The tone of his voice, together with Rowan’s, broke through the first layer of her defense.

But she shook her head and bit back a sob.

“This is your final chance, Sienna. Tell us so we can help you.”

Images of Emily’s frightened face flashed past her mind.

At the moment, one man, called Loaded Slayer, held both their futures in his hand and he didn’t even know it.

If she didn’t show up in person, by herself, he was going to release the articles.

No one could help her.

She shook her head again then stood tall.

“Release me right now,” she said, squaring her shoulders. “I don’t know why my brothers think there is something wrong but there isn’t. There is nothing wrong. Nothing is going on with me,” she air-quotedgoing on with me.“I’m just enjoying life, which is getting increasingly harder surrounded by killjoys. And by that I mean you guys and my brothers are the killjoys.

“I just don’t want to be holed up here with you three cavemen when I could be shopping in London, having spa treatments in Hungary. I’ve already missed one of my friend’s birthday parties. My skin is going to shrivel up if I don’t get properly hydrated. My hairdresser is going to have—”

“Enough,” Rowan thundered. “If you won’t tell us what trouble you’re in, we have other means of getting it out of you.”

“Oh, please. Are you going to spank again?” She directed the question at Lawson. “Go right ahead,” she dared.

What on earth was she doing?

Her breath dried up as an unhurried flutter of movement occurred around her.

Lawson left the den. Cameron seemed to be examining items of furniture, particularly chairs. Rowan opened a drawer and withdrew a pocket knife.

The constant quiver that she felt in her bones at their presence, erupted into a full-scale tremble.

She chewed her bottom lip. Somehow this didn’t feel like just a spanking.

Her belly dropped. Her nipples hardened into pebbles and poked through the thinness of the T-shirt.

She shifted her weight from her left foot to her right and then back again, all the while squeezing her thighs together in a vain attempt to stop the wetness dripping from her pussy onto her skin.

She gasped when Lawson returned carrying a gray bag in his hand. He brought it to the table where Rowan was now seated and flicking the blade of the pocket knife open and close. The clinging sound added to her strange but overall arousal.
