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It wasn’t long before Rowan took charge. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head, then sucking her nipple he fucked her. Harder, deeper each time.

He wasn’t going slow or careful. He wanted her to know him this way. Deep. Dark and demanding.

When her orgasm hit, she spasmed around him. Rowan roared softly in her ear before he bathed the inside of her pussy with his cum.

She didn’t have a moment to feel empty. Cameron filled Rowan’s place immediately. He played with her clit, stroking his head against her until he drove her mad.

But then he reached for her hand and drew it down between their bodies. He made her grip his cock and her eyes widened.

“Magic cross, babe,” he said. Sienna's fingers slowly played along the piercings on either side of the top of his penis to form a cross.

She bit her lip when her touches became daring and Cameron seemed to lose some of his cockiness. But it wasn’t long before he flipped onto his back and dragged her over him.

In one smooth move, he lowered her onto his cock and she had to stop herself from howling. She tested him. Squeezing her walls against him, moving ever so slightly.

The feel of the piercings inside her created a tsunami of sensations in both her and Cameron.

“Ah fuck. I can’t hold on,” he said almost angrily. He tossed her onto her back and drove into the wetness of her pussy. The overload of sensation was too much and she came with a thundering whimper and spasms that seemed to go on forever.

Cameron followed her, filling her pussy with his own cum and nothing felt more beautiful.

When he released her, she automatically looked for Lawson.

But he had left.

When would she be good enough for him to touch her?

Chapter Twelve

Lawson had immediately volunteered for the task of putting the fear of God into the scumbag who went by the name of Loaded Slayer. There wasn’t a person he couldn’t find despite being given the absolute minimum information. In this instance a code name and nothing more. It was one of his skills and he was fucking good at it. Throw in high-level technological expertise and he was untouchable.

Finding Loaded Slayer had proved a little more difficult. There was a new breed of blackmailers, and they worked as the middlemen for bigger fish.

But he had found Angus Smith and all his buddies, living in a large warehouse equipped with some of the most advanced surveillance gear. It was clear their outfit was footed by a mafia king.

He had stepped into the warehouse alone, with only his gun as his weapon. It was his favorite toy and it didn’t take him long to round them up, push them around and roughen them up until they were crying for their lives to be spared.

They had thought they were big deals but deep down they were scared little men who crapped themselves at the first sign of danger.

Lawson had shut down the whole operation singlehandedly, but not before he spent a couple of hours cruising their servers for anything to do with Sienna.

Seeing those images of her, ones where she was naked stepping out of a pool, boiled his blood. He had taken out his rage on Loaded Slayer who had ended up begging, with his snot flying, for Lawson to spare his life.

He traced everything. All the backups which he found in hidden servers a lesser tech-savvy guy would have missed. He incinerated the other six guys’ devices, all of them.

He promised if there was so much as a whiff or an article or picture of Sienna Gallagher, he would hunt down the man’s family—he was quite attached to his parents, Lawson had discovered—and would make him watch how he slowly killed them all one by one. The same applied to the rest of them.

When he walked out the door, he was confident the bastard wouldn’t dare cross him. Lawson knew where his parents lived. It was a dirty job and both he and his brothers would turn on full savage beast mode if it meant keeping her safe.

“Anything new about Emily Martin?” Rowan asked from his seat at the table in their study. They were working on a pile of paperwork regarding the ranch, each with a laptop in front of them.

Lawson had destroyed all the evidence of an article that Angus aka Loaded Slayer had been working on. His angle was that the heiress Sienna was out of control as she still suffered from the effect of an accident she was directly to blame for ten years ago.

That was entirely false.

They knew all about Emily Martin. There was no way in hell it was her fault. She didn’t control the universe, but it was gut-wrenchingly obvious that she blamed herself. He and his brothers could see the shadows in her eyes. The weight she carried around with her.

After reading the articles, something had made Lawson check up on Emily Martin, some sort of field instinct that he trusted explicitly.
