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Rowan delivered a heavy sigh, dragged his hand down his mouth, then shook his head. Lawson gave her one look and left.

“There’s no misunderstanding. Your brothers sent you here to us because of your erratic behavior. They think a couple of weeks of fresh air and hard work will help clear your head.”

“And where the fuck exactly ishere?” she asked, holding on to the tiny shred of sanity she needed to maintain a proper conversation and not fly off the handle like she so desperately wanted to do.



“That’s what he said,” Cameron added.

“So this was their plan? Make me do chores? Hmm… no, thank you.”

She sat back down and put her seat belt back on. “I think the pilots and the stewardesses may have stepped off the plane to stretch their legs, but if you could please tell them to come back, on your way out, I would greatly appreciate it.” She didn’t waver. She didn’t have the luxury of wavering. She had to stand her ground and stay firm, or she’d end up crying her eyes out in front of three relative strangers: well, two of them, since one had left.

“Cameron?” Rowan said.

“No way, bro. I did my share,” he said, then twirled the cuffs again. She had no idea what was happening. It was all a little too surreal for her. Besides, she had bigger problems than this, and they were wasting her time.

“Fuck,” Rowan swore under his breath. With no warning whatsoever, he had already unbuckled her, lifted her from the seat, and tossed her over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing.

With his long-legged giant strides, she didn’t get to settle into some serious outrage before he was already out of the plane and down the air-stairs. All she managed were some starter insults, where she questioned their level of sanity.

She was then tossed into the back of some pickup monstrosity and the door slammed in her face before she could do anything else, let alone try and disembark. The door was instantly locked, and where there should have been a button for her to press to open the door, there was just a big, fat hole.

Great. Just great.

She tried to scurry onto the other side, but Cameron slipped in next to her, and she immediately leaped away from him.

Her body hadn’t recovered from his close contact before, and those crazy sensations were exacerbated when Rowan had touched her, and now she felt like a ball of fire that would explode if any one of them touched her again.

“Are you just crazy? Just completely insane Neanderthals? Is that what you all are? Cavemen?”

Lawson took the driver’s seat, and Rowan sat next to him. No one answered her questions.

“You have to let me out of this truck right now. I don’t even know what’s happening. I need to speak to my brothers. Give me your phone.”

“You’ll speak to them after a couple of weeks. That’s the arrangement,” Cameron volunteered

“Arrangement?” she screeched. “I was not a part of making any arrangements. This is against my will. This is kidnapping, and I will have you arrested.”

Rowan grunted. Cameron chuckled, so annoying she wanted to… hit him. And Lawson said nothing, but from her viewpoint, she could see his jaw clenched tight. What was his problem with her anyway? She didn’t know him. He didn’t know her.

Wrong problem. That’s not what she should be focusing on.

She was being taken to a second location. Her only means of escaping—the jet—was getting farther and farther away from her.

“There’ll be no tantrums of any kind. You will never be late. Failure to follow any one of these rules will ensure you are dealt with accordingly. By that we mean we have full permission from your brothers to take you over our knees whenever we see fit. You will not talk back. You will not—”

She hated that people thought of her as a spoiled brat just because she was rich, but right now she was going to behave exactly like one.

Taking a deep breath, first, she geared herself up and started to scream, banging her fists on the worn-out leather of the seat of their truck and shaking her head from side to side.

They thought they were dealing with a princess? A prima donna? A diva? Well, this was how they behaved.

Two things were bound to happen. Either they were going to throw her out of their vehicle or drive her back to the jet and have her sent back home. She was very much okay with either option.

Why would her brothers do this to her? It was the height of cruelty, in her book. She had so much to do.
