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She tried to escape him, but he was faster and clearly the skilled predator in the equation.

“Consider yourself lucky I’m not going to use my belt. I won’t be feeling as generous the next time, so keep that in mind.” With that, he grabbed her around the waist, used his foot and dragged out a chair, then sat down in it. With her spread over his lap. Her ass in the air.

“From now on, you will do as we say,” he growled, as he tucked his fingers into the waistband of her yoga pants to expose her butt.

Sienna’s whole body quaked. Her mouth opened in shocked horror, but no words could get past the sudden thickness in her throat.

She squirmed for dear life, kicking, and trying to bite him at the same time. But Rowan held her down as if she were nothing but an inanimate object that he could bend to his will.

Oh God help her.

She wasn’t wearing enough panties to lessen the humiliation of having her ass exposed. No. The black thong she wore was nothing but thin strips and little fabric. Did she imagine it or did she hear a collective groan echo around the room?

She had never been more embarrassed in her life and that just proved how wrong a deduction that was because it seemed imminent, she would soon be blasting through the ranks of her mortification with unprecedented vigor.

“Fuck,” Rowan muttered, then proceeded more forcefully. “We said no tantrums,” he barked then dropped his palm down onto her ass cheek.

Everything inside her stilled as she tried to figure out what was happening to her, but a delay in her response was not allowed. Rowan rained his hand down on her again. And then again.

By now she was all caught up. The horrendous sting his palm left behind on the flesh of her ass had tears springing from her eyes. It didn’t help at all that she was sprawled over his lap in the most undignified manner imaginable. Her nipples had hardened into almost painful pebbles that required some sort of attention and…

Oh no. No. No. No.

The thin gusset of her sparse underwear, which just about covered her pussy lips and nothing more was soaked. She couldn’t ignore it or deny it any longer. The strange tightness between her thighs, the constant pulse in her clit had started from the moment they had stepped onto the plane and turned her world upside down.

And they weren’t even nice to her for crying out loud. Did she have to have her head examined?

She was a grown woman, being spanked by a gruff, undeniably gorgeous man while his two brothers stood with their arms folded over their wide chests and watched.

She was on fire, her pain factor nearing ten and she was utterly drenched.

Her shameful reaction lessened the true ignominy of the whole situation. She should be outraged. She should be furious at being treated like a damn five-year-old. Who gave them the right to dare and touch her this way?

But none of her thoughts were powerful enough to make Rowan stop the onslaught on her ass with his hand. Every time he touched her, the sharp exhilarating bite of his palm titillated every cell in her body. The scorching burn on her flesh made her wetter; but her attempt to escape him, made him press down harder on the small of her back and set into motion the dire need to rub her clit against the muscle of his thigh. She squirmed and swayed, desperate for the heat of his body, the same way she was desperate to feel the heat on her ass from his palm.

What was wrong with her?

She had moved her body in such a way she could feel the growing hardness of his cock against her belly and images of her being naked and being penetrated flashed through her mind.

She purred and whimpered, then florid with shame, she bit into her lip so hard, she tasted blood. But there was nothing she wouldn’t have done to stop from debasing herself any further by giving in to the relentless pull in her pussy to just let go and climax. She couldn’t. She just couldn’t. If she did, Rowan would know. He would feel her coming against him. She would rather die.

“Now, are you going to follow our rules, or do I have to use my belt on your ass to make you do so?”

“I’ll follow your stupid rules.” The words were out of her mouth in an instant. Rowan slammed his palm down on her again.

“Try again,” he said calmly, but this time his thundering palm stilled, and everything inside her locked and paid attention to the way he was touching her. His thumb brushed against the pelted flesh of her ass and goosebumps spread through her, from her scalp to her toes.

“I will follow your rules,” she said through gritted teeth, omitting the only word that made sense to her in that whole sentence.Stupid.

She was ashamed she had become so wet when she could have been demanding to be released.

“Good,” Rowan said, then released her.

She wobbled on her feet, and he had to steady her for a bit, his touch so electrifying he weakened her further. That just added to the overall humiliation running rampant through her now.

She knew she looked like an absolute mess. Her hair was in a disarray. Her eyes were puffy from her tears. Her nose was red. Her lip was bruised and swollen from where she had bitten herself. And worse than anything else? Her backside was steaming hot, and she had the disconcerting task of having to pull her yoga pants back over her exposed ass while three pairs of eyes remained fixed on her.

She was so not going to follow their rules.
