Page 12 of The Bodyguard Freed

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“Did he say why? Assassins hiding in the trees?”

“No, Your Highness. Whooper swans, I believe is where Mr. Langley’s concerns lie.”


“Yes, Your Highness. Apparently, there were six attacks on employees by these swans who are quite feral and not appropriately contained.”

“I see.” I want to laugh out loud so badly that I feel the mirth bubbling up inside me. I can’t control it anymore and I do to the point of ugly laughing. It doesn’t take long for Rachelle to join me and I laugh more in shock when Margo does too. Who would have thought Margo Henry is capable of laughing?

We sober up eventually. I get dressed and Rachelle takes care of my makeup and hair. Margo adds more things to the things I already have to do today.

I have a few video call meetings with dignitaries across the globe which I will take in my office.

With Lars Lindberg’s backing off the table, it goes without saying, I have to find other avenues of help. Although I’m reminded that our only option really was with Sweden and now that is a dead avenue. I have no idea what else to do. I need to get those mines open. I need to get my people employed with wages they can live on and proper health care. It was always my first order of business and I’ll make sure I see it through.

My body immediately answers to Kayne’s presence. I’m drawn to him so unequivocally that I honestly have to work twice as hard to make sense.

But I can’t help myself. I take out my phone and start texting.

Thank you for saving me from those killer swans.

I add the emoticon with the big, frightened eyes.

We’re in my office. Kayne stands on one side of the door and Igor on the other. They don’t leave their posts.

It’s not fucking funny.

He types back. I can hear him growling the words at me.

It is. A little funny.

I look up at him and smile. He gives me the tiniest grin back and I’m a puddle of wetness for him again. It’s hard to imagine there’s an ocean of discord between us. One that we’ll never overcome until Kayne talks to me. But first, he has to admit there is something wrong between us. The thought of losing him scares me.

I love you.

I type the words so fast it’s as if I want to etch true meaning into each letter.

He doesn’t type back. He draws my gaze to him. We’re the only two people in the room, everything, everyone around us disappears.

He doesn’t need to say the words. Or type them. I feel them, each one sliding down my body, penetrating my skin, flowing through me, and making me glow. His love is voracious, fierce, violent, and unending. He tells me all those things in the way he looks at me.

Kayne, I whisper his name so softly that only the two of us can hear it. I’m so passionately in love with this man. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for him. Nothing at all.

You’re wet.

I blush at the words that pop up on my screen a few moments later but I can’t reply because the dignitary from an African state appears on the screen of my monitor at the same time.

I give the older gentleman a warm hello despite being wholly distracted, super-hot, and yes wet. For my husband.

Answer me.

My phone lights up again.

As surreptitiously as I can, I type a reply.

You’ll have to touch me to know.

Again I can hear his growl in my ear as if he were doing it right now, that deep dominant sound he makes that reduces me to a pulp.
