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I haven’t seen him again after he escorted me to the photo session with the members of parliament, then brought me back to the palace. I do know that he instructed Igor to be my shadow even while I worked in my office in the palace surrounded by armed guards who have sworn their allegiance to the crown.

I miss Kayne and that makes me feel a little cranky. Being inundated with paperwork and phone calls, having intense meetings with the ministers about the opening of those dormant mines, and only making a little progress doesn’t lessen my longing.

We’ve only been married for two days. Just one night.

Rachelle curls my hair so it hangs down my back in soft waves. My makeup is subtle and Margo highly approves of the teal-colored floor-length dress I’m wearing. She would. She picked it out.

Tiny pearls border the modestly dipped neckline which slips into a fitted bodice that in turn hugs my waist and hips before flaring just a touch to my ankles.

My jewelry is simply a pair of earrings and a bracelet. I’m glad I don’t have to wear my crown. That is only reserved for events that involve the public or official state business.

The custom for all the kings and queens is that while the king may use their private bedroom to get ready if he doesn’t have a valet which I can’t imagine Kayne having one, and the queen gets ready in her boudoir. Once done the queen meets the king in a small reception area called a receiving hall which is off her private chambers so that her husband can escort her downstairs.

I hold my breath as I take in the sight of Kayne standing in the receiving hall. Wearing a tuxedo and looking tremendously handsome and unfairly sexy at the same time, he stops fiddling with the cuff links on his sleeve and looks at me.

“Your Highness,” he says in his gravelly rough voice that sends my nerves into a tizzy.

As soon as Rachelle bows and leaves the room,Kayne pulls me into his arms and crushes his lips to mine.

He drinks from me the same way I drink from him. But nothing seems to satiate the burning need I have for him.

I can’t touch him freely. We’re constantly surrounded by other people and PDA is not meant for the royal couple. My days are so full and occupied I barely have time to eat but the only thing I live for are these moments. The nights where we’re finally going to be alone.

He growls against my skin, his hand traveling up my dress.

I sink into his touch and press myself against the hard thick length of his cock.

I want him to fuck me right here, right now. I don’t care. I need to feel him inside me. I need to feel him come inside me as if my life depends on it. My desperation takes a feral turn.

I’m overcome with a sense of apprehension that if Kayne doesn’t come inside me right now, something is going to change forever.

I don’t understand my thoughts. I only know subconsciously that having Kayne touch me right now is critically important for us.

My hands are shaking as I fumble to undo his belt, squeaking as he bites the side of my throat.

He threads his hand through my hair and pulls, loosening the curls Rachelle had spent precious moments to get right.

“You’re mine and no one is ever going to touch you again,” he murmurs as he cups my face. I’ve heard him say those words to me before. But there’s something different about the way he says it now.

I don’t recognize him. Panic swirls around my heart. I tell myself I’m being stupid. This is Kayne. This is the man I fell in love with.

His mouth then slides down the side of my neck to my breast, peeking from my dress. He pulls the fabric down just a little to expose the top of my breast, just before the lace of my bra starts.

He licks his lips then opens his mouth on me and sucks. I feel his teeth nip me as he draws my flesh into this mouth, bruising me as he sucks and licks and then bites me. He cups my pussy. I’ve already soaked the delicate fabric and he knows it now.

“Mine,” he roars.

I close my eyes when there’s a knock on the door. It's Margo. We’re running late already; she reminds us from the other side of the door as if she knew what was happening. He releases me immediately, his jaw clenches tight.

At that moment I want to give up everything. I want a simple life with my husband where I can touch him whenever I want, day or night, in public or alone.

He takes my hand and I follow him out.

I can’t understand why I feel this way. Imbalanced. It’s not just about being touched by him.

There’s something else.

There’s something different about Kayne and it's scaring me. He doesn’t give me a moment to cover up the hickey on my breast which peeks out from the dress. He wants me marked but it feels different than normal possessiveness.
