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“I said open your eyes. Or I’m going to start electrocuting him on the highest power.”

I open my eyes but only see my hate for Roger.

“Now. Watch closely. Remember when I said I was going to prove to you that he doesn’t love you, he just wanted to fuck you, that’s what I’m going to do now. If he gets hard, even just once, even just a tiny bit, it means he doesn’t love you. Then I want to hear you say the words, you belong to me while your boyfriend watches.”

Chapter Six


I killed for the first time when I was fourteen years old. My uncle Benjamin told me, falsely, I later discovered that one of his guards had said something inappropriate to my sister. I didn’t think twice about killing the man almost twice my age.

It was also the day my uncle declared me ready to step into my place in the family business. As a killer. My training complete. I did Tameshiwari. I could break things with my body, but that also resulted in me breaking a lot of my own bones. I practiced and still practice to this day tactical breathing where I can slow my breath and heartbeat to an almost deadly level. I control my internal rhythm in every situation, whether pleasant or lethal. My features can remain stoic no matter what my thoughts are.

I’ve done Shotokan altitude training, fighting at high altitudes while deprived of oxygen, and almost died when I was sixteen. A monk taught me how to break a bowl with one finger when I was twenty-one years old.

Every single aspect of my training could have helped me here. I am in control of my body. It does what I tell it to do when I tell it to do it.

It listens and obeys because it’s my mind in control of everything. I lived my whole life with my control at the helm of everything I do.

Until her.

She makes my mind and my body forget who’s in charge. She’s a technique I can’t master. An opponent who can floor me with one look. One touch. She’s my weakness. My life.

Now there’s only one thing I focus on. Thompson’s hand in her hair, jerking her around until tears bleed from her eyes. The agony in her gaze as she watches me. Fuck. I control the rip-roaring wrath inside me before it's unleashed. I center my thoughts. My heartbeat slows. My body cools down.

That is all I need to concentrate on. The bastard hurting her.

She’s thinner than when I last saw her a few days ago. I’m running out of time to get her out of there. I flex my wrist distractedly. The key to escaping lies in the whirring sound of the metal cuffs on my wrists. I’ve done nothing but study it closely.

The women around me are nonentities. I feel nothing but Sophia’s pain, her distress. I’m fueled only by that one single thing. Her pain inflicted by a man she didn’t give her permission to.

Everything about her belongs to me. Her breath, her smile, her laughter, her pain. It’s all mine. Mine. No one else’s but mine.

I center on the prick of a man foisting pain that doesn’t belong to him. The thousands of ways I’m going to kill him when I get my hands on him. There isn’t a game he can set up for me that I’ll lose. None of his sick fucking tricks are going to work on me.

He’s already lost this battle, he just thinks he’s still in control. Still in charge. Still highly protected. He’s wrong. He thinks I’m weak. That I’ll get hard if any woman touches me. That’s not how I work. Sex was something I switched on and off without a moment of doubt or hesitation.

There’s only one woman who can make me hard, and that’s Sophia. She has to know that. She’s the only one with that power over me. My body. My mind. My heart.



I try to escape into another world but this one’s darkness draws me back inside every time.

Roger keeps pulling at my hair every time I close my eyes. But he’s also getting more and more agitated now.

“Make him hard, you fucking cunts,” he screams and my ears shatter. I’m certain he’s pulled out a chunk of my hair.

“It’s not working,” one of them says while the other two are still dancing around Kayne, touching his body.

“Look,” another one now says. She’s cupping Kayne’s cock with her hand. The degree of hurt that races through me is enough to kill me. “Look. I do this to any other normal guy and he’ll be rock hard. But not him.”

I look at Kayne. But he’s not looking at me. He’s not looking at Roger either. His eyes are trained on Roger’s hand in my hair, wrenching at my tresses, hard enough that I’m crying involuntarily at the pain.

“He’s either broken or it’s her. I think it’s her,” the woman adds, pointing to me.

“Kayne,” I whisper in my mind, soaring now beyond the clouds. “Kayne.” I would give up anything in the world to be in his arms at that exact moment.
