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“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

Roger throws me aside and I catch the table to maintain my balance.

“Get the fuck out of here. Now.” He charges toward the women and they scurry away.

There’s deathly silence as Roger rubs his face, looks down at the carpet on the stone floor, and screams. He spins around and this time he charges toward Kayne.

The sound of his fist pounding into Kayne’s stomach reverberates off the walls.

“No,” I scream as he continues to hammer his fists into Kayne.

“No.” I’m caught by two of his guards, holding me down before I can get to Kayne. Roger continues punching him.

“Not so tough right now are you?” Roger roars.

I drop to the floor, on my knees.

“Please, Roger. Please stop.” I’m crying hysterically. I don’t care what Kayne’s body can do, no human can suffer this kind of torture. He still hadn’t recovered from the beating Roger’s men had given him a few days ago.


For the first time, Kayne makes a sound around the ball gag in his mouth. He grunts at me. His gaze stern, powerful, full of warning. He didn’t want me to beg.

Roger turns around and laughs, but there’s serious agony in his tone and his one hand is being held up by his other, his knuckles bruised and red.

“Ice,” he orders one of the guards, but couldn’t hide his grimace anymore. “Everyone out. Everyone get the fuck out of my sight,” he shrieks.

He wants Kayne to fail. He wants to provethat beneath his veneer, Kayne is just a man. But that’s not Kayne. He’s not just an ordinary man.

Kayne looks at me as we’re both being taken away and it feels as if it’s the first time. His eyes darken to the dominant, sexy blue, and it makes me shivery all over. He tells me so much with that one look.

I’m his. And Roger is going to pay.

Once I’m back in my cell, a sense of doom opens up over me. Kayne has beaten Roger twice now at his own game. I shudder in revulsion and fear to think about what he’s going to do next.

He could just as easily kill us but he knows that would come off as a sign of weakness. He’ll continue to play with us but we only have so much time left before we lose.

The hope of anyone finding us now that it’s almost ten days since we went missing during an explosion in his apartment gets slimmer with each passing moment.

Frustration roars through me as I pace the floor of the cell. There is no way out. Not with these metal things around us, that are controlled by Roger. I can’t dig my way out because there’s no opening. I tried every inch of the cell. And if I tried then I know Kayne has done the same and more. So much more. I have to believe he’ll get us out. Although I know the only way that’s going to happen is if he gets a chance to kill Roger.

Roger knows that, which explains his heavy guard, and the metal taser bands he keeps us in.

I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. Kayne fills every part of me. I keep going over the scene in my head where those women were touching him. Dancing and gyrating their bodies for him. Swaying into him. Wrapping their long legs around his thighs and teasing him by running their long nails down his bare chest.

Tears, which I thought I had cried all out of me, slip from my eyes.

He didn’t get hard. Even when he was touched he didn't allow his body to react. He did that, he found some way, not to respond. He did that because he loves me. Only me.

I turn and lay on my side and curl my knees up to my chest.

That feeling of impending doom bursts open into an abyss filled with horror. I don’t know how many days more it’s going to take before Roger summons us again. This seems to be his pattern. He gets beaten at his own mind games, he goes away for a few days and returns with something new.

But how much further can I be tested before I break. Roger wants me to acknowledge I’m choosing him.

He wants Kayne to know that, and he wants those words delivered on a grand scale.

My tummy turns over. I can end this right now if I give in.
