Page 14 of Just You

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Narrowing my eyes, I huffed, “Yes, Kane. That. I don’t do that with men.” His smile dropped as the meaning of what I was saying sank in.

Sitting next to me on the bed, he lifted his hand to my face and rubbed his thumb gently on my cheek. “I know that, sweetheart, and I’m so damn sorry for implying you do at the bar the other night. That fucker touched you and I just saw red. But you should know, I don’t do this either, Winnie. It has been a long time since I’ve been with a woman and I’ve never had one here in this bed. Only you. This is real, baby, I wouldn’t have asked you to come over, to stay, if it wasn’t. Tell me you know this is real.”

Kane’s face was open and unguarded as he spoke to me. As much as I didn’t like to think of him with other women, I never assumed he was a virgin. My own experience was limited to a boyfriend years ago when I was in college and I certainly wasn’t hung up on that lackluster experience.

“It’s real, Kane,” I whispered, expressing the same honesty he had just given me.

The smile he gave me was blinding and he kissed me quickly before pulling me from his bed. “Get dressed, I want to walk you to your car and kiss you goodbye properly.”

Kane’s kiss goodbye turned into a steamy make-out session against the door of my Jeep. When I finally drove away, it was with a giant smile on my face and wet panties.



The day turned into an absolute nightmare after Winnie left.

Being in charge of the office was never something I had an interest in. I wanted to take care of my cases and let Gray handle all the bullshit like meetings and case updates. But Gray wasn’t here and I didn’t want to stress him out more by dropping crap on him when he was out of town, especially since I was already keeping secrets from him.

“What do you mean he slipped your tail?” I growled at Sam. She and Gage were supposed to be watching that alcoholic piece of shit and according to them he was gone. Just vanished overnight.

“We let him see us in the bar the other night, like Gray suggested. Let him know we were there for the sole purpose of watching him and now he is gone. Hasn’t been home, to work or that yuppy bar in the last couple of days,” she stated.

“This idiot isn’t smart enough to shake you on his own, especially since he spends most of his waking hours drunk. He had to have had help from someone.”

“It feels like something bigger is going on. He was already acquitted and the family definitely has enough money to settle the lawsuit, why go into hiding? We checked out his father’s house and dear old Daddy has stepped up his security, he has some big ass bodyguards that follow him around now,” she said.

Goddamnit, this was not what we needed. I pinched the bridge of my nose against the headache that was already brewing. “Roe,” I snapped, pointing at him, “find him. I don’t care what it takes. We’re supposed to sit down with the client, including the family of the woman that asshole murdered, soon and I want to give them something they can use.”

“On it, boss man,” Roe responded, not looking up from whatever computer crap he was doing.

My phone rang and I dismissed them as I picked it up. “Rodriguez,” I growled.

“Good morning to you, too, sunshine,” Gray said.

“Sorry, man, I’ve just been dealing with bullshit that’s definitely your job but you aren’t here to handle it,” I joked. Sort of.

“Anything I need to know about?” Gray immediately moved into boss mode.

“No, I’ve got it taken care of. How are things in Dallas?” I asked, not wanting to concern him when there was nothing he could do from there.

“It’s more fucked up than they said, that’s for sure. They led me to believe it was a few missing girls, but the more I find out it looks like a fucking trafficking ring has been operating up here.”

“Fuck, a ring? Are you sure?” I hated the thought of those missing girls being taken like that. Human traffickers were notoriously tough to find. They were smart and covered their tracks well.

“Unfortunately, yes, and even worse it looks like this trafficking ring has moved and they don’t know where. The locals were surveilling a couple of guys running the stash houses but they’ve mysteriously disappeared, of fucking course. When they finally got warrants for the houses, there was nothing but mattresses on the floors. Mattresses and chains. They think they may have moved to Houston since they would have access to the ports there and could move people in and out easier than in Dallas.”

“Jesus, chains? What the fuck?”

“Exactly. That’s why I am going to leave this afternoon and head to Houston. See if I can chase a few leads down there and check in with some contacts I have in the area. I’m sorry, man. I may be gone a little longer than we had originally planned,” he sighed tiredly.

The ever-present guilt burned in my gut. I didn’t like feeling glad that my best friend would be out of town longer so that I could spend more time with his sister without him knowing.

“It’s cool, I have the office under control, just try to stop these assholes. Anything we can do from here to help you out?”

“I’ve got a few cell phone numbers that I’m going to have Roe check out for me, see what we can get off of them. I already miss Daisy, I’m going to do everything I can to get back faster.”

“Keep us updated when you can, and let me know if you need anything. You aren’t alone, we’re a team, don’t forget that.”

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