Page 15 of Just You

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“Thanks, Kane, I appreciate you,” he said, hanging up.

Yeah, I was a fucking saint that had just had my mouth all over Winnie when he thought I was working diligently on our business. What the hell was I doing, lying to my best friend like this?

I picked the phone back up to call her, wanting to feel the same peace she gave me that morning when I woke up next to her. The phone kept ringing when I called her cell, she was probably working, like I was supposed to be doing. I dialed the diner directly, needing to hear her sweet voice anyway.

“Little Falls Diner,” that was not the sweet voice I wanted. Mrs. James had answered and I couldn’t think of a valid reason that I would need to talk to Winnie.

More guilt smothered me. We weren’t just lying to Gray, but to their parents, too. The same people that had treated me like a son all these years. Having me and Dad over for every holiday and barbecue. What would they think if they knew their only daughter spent the night in my bed?

“Hello?” Mrs. James called out.

I cleared my throat, “Hey, Mrs. J.”

“Oh, Kane, it’s you! I thought I had one of those creepy heavy breathers on the line,” she laughed. “How are you doing, honey?”

“Good, good. I was just, uh, calling to make sure the new security system was working all right for you guys,” lies, lies and more lies.

“Aren’t you just a peach. Yes, it’s working just fine, or so I’ve been told. Winnie is doing the closing this week since Cyrus and I have Daisy. Hold on just a minute, let me get her over here. Winnie!” she shouted.

I heard muffled talking on the other end of the line before, “Hello?”

“Winnie,” I breathed. One word. That was all it took for her to calm the storm raging inside of me.

“Kane? Is everything all right?” she questioned.

“Yeah, baby. Everything is good, I just wanted to talk to you. Your mom thinks I’m checking up on the new security panel.”

She giggled, “Ah, I see. Well, she’s off taking an order, she can’t hear what we’re saying. How’s your day going?” When was the last time someone asked me about my day? Had I ever had anyone who cared if I was stressed out or overworked?

“Honestly? It’s been complete shit since I watched you drive away this morning and I doubt it will ease up anytime soon. I want to see you, come back over tonight? I can cook for you again.” Smooth, Rodriguez. So much for taking things slow.

“I want to see you, too,” she admitted softly. “Maybe I can help you this time, I feel lazy letting you do all the work.”

I know that her statement was innocent but my dick came to life thinking of the work I did on her body that morning. “I like doing things for you, Winnie. I like doing thingstoyou,” I said huskily.

“Kane,” she whispered. I could see her face in my mind, blushing at the memory of my mouth on her pussy.

“Yup, I’m coming!” she shouted away from the phone, making me laugh. “I have to go, and you’re a very bad man, Mr. Rodriguez,” she admonished.

“Later, baby,” I hung up the phone feeling lighter than I had before. One quick call with Winnie and I felt recharged, ready to handle whatever shit was thrown my way. I didn’t think I could go back to the way things were before.



“Everything all right with Kane?” my mother asked, making me jump and spin toward her.

“What? Kane? Yeah, everything’s fine. I mean, why wouldn’t it be? He’s fine. It’s fine. What?” I laughed nervously.

“Why are you being weird?” She narrowed her blue eyes, the same that I stared at in the mirror every day. I looked a lot like my mom. She was petite with blonde curly hair that she usually kept up in a clip.

When Gray grew taller than Mom, he made a joke that she couldn’t discipline him anymore, I remember her grabbing the broom and chasing him around the kitchen table and out the back door. The woman could be terrifying when she wanted to be and she usually could see through the crap we tried to pull.

“Psh, you’re being weird,” I walked quickly to the kitchen.Oh my god, what is wrong with me? Stop being a lunatic, she is going to know something is up.Dad was working the grill for the lunch shift and stopped his whistling when we both came in.

“Cyrus, your daughter’s being weird, ask her what’s going on.”

“Why’s she my daughter when there’s a problem? And she isn’t weird.”
