Page 45 of Having It All

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“Yes, but I’m not sure I can use it.”

“Of course you can, if you need to.”

“I just don’t want to disappoint him. He keeps making a big deal about how different I am from any other woman he has spent time with, and since the women he hangs out with are sex slaves or submissives, that translates to me being a wimpy, vanilla sex bore who he is going to toss aside within the month. I mean seriously, how am I going to satisfy him when he has naked women throwing themselves at him all day long? I’ve been fooling myself all week thinking he is a normal guy, but who the hell am I kidding? He owns a sex club. He is the Master’s Master. He makes a living off punishing naughty submissives. How long do you think he’s going to be satisfied playing house with me out in the suburbs?”

“That’s enough. We went through this yesterday. I’ll go through it again now and tomorrow, and the next day, until you get it through your head. Stop trying to sabotage this before you even hit your one-week mark. Yes, he owns a sex club; a sex club he hasn’t been spending time at since he met you. And it’s not his whole life. He also owns a very successful security firm. Let me ask you. Has Lukus done anything to you this week to make you think he is going to try to force you into a twenty-four seven D/s relationship?”


Bri continued. “Has he acted like Master Lukus, or just plain Lukus?”

“Mostly just Lukus. Let’s face it. He can’t just turn off that sexyI’m-in-charge-hereattitude.”

“Well, thank goodness for that. It really is yummy, isn’t it? But I digress. Has he made crazy promises to you just trying to get in your pants?”

“No, but in all fairness, he didn’t need to. He got in my pants without any promises.”

Brianna chuckled. “Yeah, right. Well, regardless, has he lied to you?”


“Treated you like shit or hurt you?”


“And, whatdidhe do for you this week? Did he take you out to dinner?”

“Yes, every night. He said he didn’t want to make me cook after working all day,” Tiff admitted.

“Oh, what an ogre. Did he act like Master Lukus, forcing you to be naked and kneeling at his feet when you got back to your place?”

That got a giggle out of her best friend. “No to the kneeling part, but we have been naked for a fair amount of our time together.”

“Seriously, Tiff. Are you hearing yourself? This guy is one in a million. Stop trying to scare yourself into screwing it up.”

Almost thirty seconds of silence passed; Brianna became worried that the call had dropped when she finally heard her best friend’s sigh. “You’re right. I just need to stay calm. He keeps telling me that we just need to take it one day at a time.”

“Smart man.”

Brianna was startled by strong arms wrapping around her waist from behind her. She could feel the athletic body of her husband as he pulled her tight against his chest. “Why, thank you. I hear you ladies are talking about me.”

Brianna rested her head back on his shoulder, still holding the phone to her ear. “Yes, honey. We were just saying what a smart man you are.”

“Liar. You know what the penalty is for lying to me, don’t you?” His whisper was delivered as he brushed her ear lobe with his lips.

Brianna’s heart rate ratcheted up a notch. He pulled her tighter as a shiver raced through her at the thought of being turned over his lap for a bare-bottomed spanking. She was tempted to lay another fib on him, just to get herreward. For most women, the promise of a spanking would be a punishment, but to her, the intimacy of a spanking—coupled with her unusually high pain tolerance—translated to a reward.

“Yes, sir.”

“Are you ladies just about wrapped up on your call? I have Jonathan saving us seats. They’re filling up fast. Say your goodbyes.”

“But Markus, she needs some moral support. She’s on her way to the club.”

Markus released his wife to reach for her cell phone. “Let me talk with her.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a great idea.”

“Bri, hand me the phone, please.”
