Page 47 of Having It All

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“Okay, you guys too. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

The call cut off before Brianna could say goodbye. She smiled up at her husband. “So, Lukus has been calling you?”



“And, nothing. Let’s go eat,” he said.

“You aren’t going to tell me any more about what you guys talked about, are you?”

“Nope. Let’s go eat so we can leave. I suddenly have a desire for us to be alone.”

Chapter Eleven


Tiffany pushedendon the call. She was so lost in thought as she reached over to the passenger seat to throw her phone in her purse, she almost missed the fact that traffic had stopped dead in the middle of the busy expressway ahead. She focused on the road just in time to slam on her brakes, projecting the entire contents of her open purse onto the floor.

“Fuck!” At the sound of her own expletive, she broke out into a nervous laugh before talking out loud to the empty car. “That’s it, Tiff. It’s not bad enough Lukus is going to be pissed you aren’t wearing the new Bluetooth, but now you’re going to crash your car and get caught cussing. Maybe you should just turn around and head home now while you can still sit down.”

Several minutes later, traffic started inching forward again, and she could just make out the emergency vehicle’s lights up ahead.

Just great. Now I can add being late to the list of punishable offenses.

If she was honest with herself, she wasn’t afraid of Lukus, in spite of what she might have led Markus to believe. Not really. Sure, Lukus had been dominant with her at times this week, but truly, she’d loved every single minute of their time together, including… or more accurately,especially… the night he’d demonstrated the many joys of an erotic spanking.

The man is a freaking sex god. I’m pretty sure I’ve had more orgasms courtesy of Lukus Mitchell in one week than by all my other boyfriends combined.

No, it was not the sex or even the threat of a spanking that had Tiffany on edge tonight. She wasn’t sure what was at the heart of her unease. What she did know was that tension had been building within her with each glorious day spent with Lukus since meeting him last weekend.

She was still surprised he’d spent almost every night at her townhouse in the suburbs. That he drove to her three evenings in a row was amazing enough, but she couldn’t believe he’d slept over, choosing to get up early to drive back to the city in rush-hour traffic, rather than miss snuggling her all night long. She had never slept better—or worse—than this week. Unfortunately, the return of Tiff’s Jake nightmares was a side-effect of being in her first BDSM relationship.

Damn, I wish Bri and I had never met Jake Davenport.

So far, her dreams of Jake hurting her and threatening her family was the only negative outcome of meeting Lukus. It annoyed her in her waking hours because the two men couldn’t have been more different from each other if they’d tried. Regardless, her re-exposure to the BDSM lifestyle had thrown her back into nightmares she’d thought were long gone. Remembering how gentle and reassuring Lukus had been as he comforted her when she was hit with a bad dream still surprised her. She’d expected him to lose his patience with her by now, but it hadn’t happened.

Even last night, when they had taken their first break from each other, they ended up talking on the phone for an hour, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. After hanging up, she had sat with a glass of wine, thinking through all she’d learned about his childhood; his family, his friends, his businesses—he talked freely about them all. She’d been waiting for some big bombshell to blow up in her face, like finding out he had a wife stashed away somewhere. Instead, he kept proving to her how truly amazing he and she really were.

In her mind, Tiff knew Brianna was right; she should just enjoy the ride, but her anxious mind was driving her emotions right now. She couldn’t shake the feeling that her heart had left the comfortably safe road and was now forging a new path she had never treaded before. She wasn’t sure if knowing Lukus had never been this far off the road emotionally made her feel better or worse. They clearly had a deep connection. The question was—how long would it last, and how would she survive when it ended?

Tiff’s worrying was interrupted by her phone ringing from the passenger side floor. It was his ring tone.

Just great. I’m screwed. I can’t answer because I don’t have my Bluetooth. I can’t reach it anyway.

According to her dashboard clock, she was already ten minutes late. Luckily, she was past the accident and already exiting the expressway. She took the time to pull into a gas station to park and retrieve her phone to make a quick call. He answered on the first ring.

“You’re late.”

That was so Lukus. “Well, hello to you, too. There’s an accident on the Eisenhower. I’m past it now. I should be there in about ten minutes.”

“Great. I’m starving. I cooked. I think you’re going to like it.”

“So you don’t want me to cook after a long day of working, but you get to cook?”

“Yep. I make the rules, remember?” he said.

“Hmmm. I don’t recall agreeing to that.”
