Page 35 of Balancing it All

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Lukus caught a flash of anger in Derek’s eyes at his comment. He’d thought he was helping his friend kick some sense into his no-good brother. Seeing his friend’s reaction had Lukus suspecting there was a bit more to the story of Dylan Parker. Getting his anger under control, Derek looked at his brother. “Yeah, well he hasn’t always been lazy. That’s just a new development the last few months.”

Lukus watched the dynamics between the brothers shifting. Ironically, as Derek softened, Dylan seemed agitated. Shifting to sitting upright, the long-haired mini-Derek bristled. “Listen. I don’t need your damn charity, Derek. Just tell me what the hell you need me to do so I can get out of this office.”

As the brothers engaged in a stare off, Lukus injected. “Have you filled out the employment paperwork yet?”


“Fine. Why don’t you run out and catch up with Sean. That’s the redhead. Go with him on his jobs today. Watch and learn, and we’ll catch up with you when you get back to the office.”


Lukus watched as Dylan pushed off the couch with some difficulty and headed out to follow Sean, slamming the door to the office shut a tad too hard.

Derek stared at the closed door before turning to talk to his friend and boss. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. Mom’s right. He isn’t ready yet.”

“Ready for what? What’s his story?” Lukus asked.

“I’m not sure how much he’d want me to tell you, but you have a right to know. He’s been home from Afghanistan for about four months. Honorable discharge. He never really talks about what happened, so I don’t know all of the details either. I just know he was in the Marines for seven years. He won’t confirm it, but I think he was mostly in black ops kinda work. I know this: he’s a hell of a long-range shot. Anyway, he came home after the jeep he and his best friend were riding in was blown up by an IED. His best friend didn’t make it. Dylan’s not taking it well.”

“Well, shit. That sucks.”

“Yeah, it does. But sitting on his ass at home, eating doughnuts and feeling sorry for himself, isn’t gonna bring Kenny back either. Dylan still has some physical therapy sessions, but for the most part he’s physically healthy enough. Mom’s been babying him too much; now Dad’s getting pissed at both of them. I thought maybe if I got him working it might get him out of his funk. I’m sorry, man. I didn’t think this through. You shouldn’t get saddled with a mess like this.”

Lukus would have loved to agree, but that niggling part in the back of his brain knew he wasn’t that big of an asshole. “Don’t sweat it. The rest of my life is crazy as hell right now. Why not add a new employee who has no desire to work to the mix? How do you want me to play it? Be the hard-ass boss who pushes him, or should I ease him into the fold gently?”

Derek grinned. “No offense, but I’m not sure you’re capable of easing gently. Let’s go with being the hard-ass boss who pushes him.”

“That’s a relief. I’m already having to soften up for Tiffany. I don’t think I have much more soft in me.”

Derek looked worried. “I know you need to go slow for her, but I’m getting concerned you aren’t showing her the real you. How’s she gonna take it when the Master’s Master shows up?”

“Aren’t you talking out of both sides of your mouth? I thought you were the one who lectured me less than a week ago about taking it slow and being careful not to lose my shit,” Lukus said.

“I just don’t want you to repress the real you so long that you end up resenting her.”

“Don’t worry about me. I have a plan. Things are progressing right on schedule. Did I tell you Markus and I are gonna bring the girls to the collaring on Friday night?”

“Oh, shit. You sure that’s a good idea?”

“Why wouldn’t it be? It’ll give us plenty to talk about.” Lukus grinned.

“I’ll say. Have you seen the plan yet?”

“Not really. I assume it’ll be a standard ceremony.”

Derek shook his head. “Hardly. He’s going hardcore.”

“As in?”

“Sub prep party. Public consummation. Nipple ringing and chastity piercings. Branding.”

“Branding?” Lukus was amazed. “We haven’t had a branding since—”

“Since Michael’s first collar ceremony. How he found not one, but two women to go through with it, I’ll never know. I’d never put Rachel through that.”

“Damn. That’ll freak out Tiff.”

“Well, it’s the final test, so maybe you could leave early,” Derek suggested.
