Page 32 of Disciplined

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Another nod.

Caleb released her face, using his fingers to brush a rogue lock of her hair out of her eyes.

“I can’t say that I always will, but I’m sure if the occasion calls for it, yes. That is just one of the tools in my HoH toolbox. I believe the severity of the broken rule is what will determine how I handle each punishment session. Small rules broken will receive light punishments. Big errors will mean more severe discipline. I’ll make the decision on a case-by-case basis.”

Presley’s eyes widened as he spoke, finally starting to understand some of the nuances of the life he was asking her to adopt.

“Do you have any questions for me about what you read?” he asked.

“I’m sure I will, but… not right now.”

“Okay, then it’s my turn to ask you a question. As we’ve discussed, you’ve earned your first real punishment. Under normal circumstances, I would not be asking for your permission to discipline you, but…”

“You mean you’re giving me a choice?”

“Yes, baby. For today only, since you haven’t previously given your consent, I need to know if you will agree to one punishment session with me.”

“Just one?”

“Call it a trial run. But here’s the thing. You are consenting to turn yourself over to me until we are done—trusting me to know you and your limits enough that I will not do lasting damage to your perfect body. My goal is to get us through this rough spot and put it behind us so we can get things back to normal around here.”

Her forehead crinkled with worry. “But what if I hate it and never want to be punished again in the future?”

Caleb couldn’t bring himself to say the words.

“Why don’t we cross that bridge if we come to it, okay?” he asked.

She didn’t answer immediately, and he was glad. He was proud of her for really putting thought into what she wanted instead of just rushing to agree to anything out of fear of losing their relationship.

“Okay,” she offered quietly.

“Okay, we’ll cross that bridge then, or okay, you agree to a punishment session today for overspending and lying to your boss?”

“The second one.”

The wave of relief he felt at her committing to at least giving this a try was quickly overrun by a case of the nerves. He’d never had so much riding on the outcome of a punishment before.

Don’t fuck this up, Edison.



Had she really just agreed to let Caleb spank her without a safeword as her safety net?

Presley didn’t have time to worry about it when he stood next to the bed, pulling her to her feet.

They’d gone from just talking to action in a heartbeat, and it had her pulse spiking as she had to take quick steps to keep up with Caleb’s long strides toward the corner of his bedroom.

Ironically, of all the punishments in the video, corner time had been the most troubling to her. She felt foolish—like an errant child—when Caleb led her into the corner before pushing on her lower back until she took another step forward. The tips of her breasts brushed the wall as she wiggled nervously.

Caleb didn’t seem to notice as he was busy moving her bent arms behind her back, helping guide her hands to grasp the opposite forearm until it pushed her chest out further.

“This is the position I expect you to hold when I tell you to go to the corner. I can tell you think this is silly, but I think it’s important for you to spend this time thinking about why you’ve earned a punishment and how you might do things differently next time.”

Presley had to bite her tongue to keep from telling him she didn’t need to be humiliated like this to know what she did wrong, but then he kept talking.

“This also gives me time to get myself in the right headspace, so I know I’m not spanking when I’m still angry.”

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