Page 33 of Disciplined

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Okay, maybe that would be a good idea.

“I won’t always tell you how long you’ll be here, but as you are learning, we’ll start with just fifteen minutes today. I’m going to go shower. I don’t think I need to tell you just how much more trouble you’ll be in if you get out of position during corner time.”

“No,” she ground out.

The crack to her ass shocked her more than it hurt.

“No, what?”

She scrambled to think of what she’d done wrong now.

“No, Sir.”

“Better. This is one thing that DD and playing at Black Light have in common. You need to remember to address me as Sir or Daddy before, during, and after your punishment session. Understood?”

“Yes.” Another crack to the other side of her butt had her crying out, “Yes, Sir!”

Again, she wanted to be angry at him for treating her like a child, but then he put both hands on her hips, stepping close enough that his chest was pressed in against her back.

Caleb nuzzled his lips against her left ear and whispered gently, “It’s going to be okay, Presley. Trust me. I love you.”

Until that moment, she hadn’t known how much she needed his reassurance. Even after he stepped away, his words comforted her.

As the minutes dragged by with her doing her best to hold her awkward position, she tried to focus on what she’d done in the past to land herself in this predicament. Unfortunately, her mind kept jumping forward with dread to what was coming in her near future instead.

The more she thought about the severe punishment in the video, the more the skin on her own ass tingled in anticipation. And by the time she heard Caleb turning off the shower in the bathroom, her tummy was starting to do flip-flops.

Maybe she should have eaten something. Then again, the more nervous she got, the happier she was that she didn’t have a full stomach. It was going to be humiliating enough to get spanked. She didn’t need to throw-up all over Caleb to make things worse.

The sound of the bathroom door opening made her want to turn around, but she kept herself pressed to the corner. It got harder not to peek as she listened to Caleb opening and closing drawers, going in and out of the closet, and was he moving furniture around?

His “Good girl,” right behind her made her jump.

His hands were back on her hips. The scent of his shampoo and soap calmed her nerves slightly.

This was her Caleb. The same man she had fallen in love with. She didn’t need to be afraid of him.

You keep telling yourself that as he roasts your ass.

He took her by the hand, finally turning her around, and pulling her back near the bed where there was a new addition lying on top of the comforter.

A hairbrush.

Not her hairbrush, but a big, wooden paddle-like brush like her hairdresser used.

Her eyes darted between the bed and Caleb. Gone was his reassuring look from before, replaced with a stern glare.

“As this is your first punishment, I want to give you a few instructions I expect you to learn to follow during discipline sessions.

“First, you’ll always be naked when receiving any type of lesson, verbal or physical. If I give you the order tostriportake off your clothes, I expect you to move into action without arguing.” He paused, before adding, “Any place, any time.”

She had to hear him wrong. “Excuse me,” she said, remembering to tack on a last minute, “Sir,” just in the nick of time.

“You heard me. Here in our bedroom, in the kitchen, or garage—anywhere in between— I want you to understand I have control over if you are clothed or not.”

Presley must have stood there just looking at him like he was crazy because he added, “I need a verbal acknowledgment.”

“But surely you don’t mean like in the grocery store… or in public, right?” her voice quavered with her question.
