Page 34 of Disciplined

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“I’d never be so reckless to have you undress in public. I hope you can trust me enough to know where and when to use this command.”

“Okay… then yes, Sir.” Her body was confused. She wanted to be enraged at giving that type of control to a man, but instead the idea of getting naked on demand excited her. After all, she needed to be naked for sex, too.

“Next, command you need to expect ison your knees.I’ll use this before, during, and after punishments, but I will also use this if I sense you are losing control of your emotions and need a timeout. I don’t think that will happen often with you but know that I expect you to be prepared to kneel on demand.”

Her mind raced with the implications of this. She instinctively knew he wasn’t just talking about during sexy times. Hell, would he order her to her knees while she was cooking, or talking to her friends on the phone, or… anything?

He raised an eyebrow at her long silence. He was waiting.

This one was a bit harder for her, but she quietly added, “Yes, Sir.”

“That’s my good girl,” he said, a small smile curving up on his handsome face. His praise melted her insides a bit more.

“I’ll add more rules later, but the last one I want to cover today isbend over.I’ll usually tell you what to bend over—the end of the bed, the arm of the couch, the kitchen counter, the hood of the car… I name the place. You bend and present yourself for me with your legs spread shoulder-width apart so I can always see that pretty pussy of yours. Understand?”

These commands were blowing her mind and soaking her inner thighs. Talking about being naked, on her knees, and bent over on display had that effect on a girl.

“Presley? Do you understand?” he chastised her in his best Daddy voice.

“Yes, Daddy. I understand.”

“Very good. Now, we’ve put this off long enough, come with me.”

Caleb took her hand and led her the few feet across the carpeting to where the straight-backed chair that had previously been innocently waiting in the opposite corner was now sitting in the center of the room.

He took the only seat before giving her the first, “Kneel,” order of the day.

She slipped to her knees at his feet, unsure if she was supposed to look up at him or down at the floor.

“Eyes,” was his next command. This one he’d used with her many times before.

She snapped her gaze up to meet his.

He’d put a worn pair of jeans on after his shower. With his damp hair, scruffy day-old beard, and bare feet, he looked like sex on a stick. It made falling to her knees in front of him as easy as breathing.

“Now, before we start your lesson, tell me what you’re being punished for today.”

He knew damn well what she’d done. He sure as hell didn’t need her to tell him again, yet the expectant look on his face told her otherwise.

“I lied to my boss about being sick so I could go out with my friends.”

“That’s one thing, yes. Time for you to learn that I don’t put up with lying. Full stop. Not to me. Not to others. Am I making myself clear?”

Why did that stern voice have to turn her on so much? It wasn’t fair. This would be so much easier if her body wasn’t betraying her.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. What other rules did you break?”

“I spent too much money without asking.”

“Ten times your budgeted amount if I’m not mistaken. At least when you blow it, you go big.”

She wasn’t sure if he meant that as a compliment or not but assumed not when his face turned to a deep scowl.

“Yes, Sir,” was all she could muster since each minute ticking by got her closer to her punishment.

Caleb hesitated before adding, “Before we get started, I want to apologize to you for setting up your first punishment at Black Light. It was a stupid mistake on my part since we hadn’t gone through all the details of the rules and consequences. I just want you to know that I’m not going to be perfect either.”

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