Page 35 of Disciplined

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His apology took her by surprise.

“Does that mean I get to spank you when you make mistakes?” she bravely teased.

Thankfully, Caleb smiled, lightening the mood ever so slightly. “You wish. Sorry baby, but the domestic discipline lifestyle only allows for one HoH, and that’s me. I just want you to know I’m not afraid to say I’m sorry or make amends if I mess up.”

She bit her tongue, knowing it wouldn’t be well received for her to complain about this arrangement not being fair. If she messed up, she’d get her ass lit up. If he messed up, he only had to say he was sorry.

“Now,” he said, pushing back to his feet. “Time to bend over the end of the bed for the first part of your punishment.”

Once at the bed, Caleb lifted the heavy hairbrush while she remained frozen on her knees.

Could she really do this? Submit to what she knew was going to be a humiliating and painful experience. It was time for the rubber to hit the road and so far, she’d slammed on her brakes.

The sting of unwanted tears blurred her vision as she looked up at Caleb standing above her. She finally spoke softly, admitting, “I’m scared.”

He took the few steps to be next to her again, offering his hand to help her stand. Caleb’s arms wrapping around her felt like heaven.

“I know, baby. All of this is new and I’m trying to guide you through as we get started. I am not trying to scare you. I’m trying to teach you. To guide you toward the happy future I want for us. I’d like to say I would go easy on you today, but I don’t think that will help either one of us. You have a right to know what a true punishment feels like so you can know what it is you’re signing up for.”

He wasn’t wrong. As much as she’d like him to give her a pass today, it would only leave this hanging over their heads for the coming days or weeks. Better to rip off the Band-Aid today. But…

“I understand, Daddy, but… just this first time, can I make one request?”

“You can make it. I’ll decide if I should grant it or not.”

“Instead of laying across the bed, could I…” Her voice trailed off. Was she really about to ask her crazy question?

Yes, she was.

“Could I lay across your lap instead of the bed? I think it will help me to be touching you.”

“I like your idea, baby girl, and thank you for being brave enough to speak up. Like I promised, I’ll always listen even if I don’t agree with your request,” he said, hugging her one last time before releasing her and taking his seat back on the high-backed armless chair.

Her tummy flip-flopped when Caleb patted his thigh with the heavy brush. “No more stalling. Bend over my lap,” he said pulling her so that her head ended up a foot off the floor on his left side, her long hair pooling on the carpet below.

The funny thing was that she’d laid over her Daddy’s lap many times before. In the past she’d been giggling, and they’d been having sexy fun. The spankings had been just hard enough to turn her on.

Today felt completely different, which she guessed had been the point he’d been trying to make all along.

She felt precarious hanging there until Caleb wrapped his right leg around the back of her knees, effectively trapping her in place. Her arms were still at her sides, awkwardly reaching backwards, but not for long.

“Place your hands forward, flat on the floor. Do not remove them, no matter how much you want to. Not only do I not want to accidentally strike your hand with the brush, but naughty girls need to take their punishment without trying to interfere.

“Just to make sure you know up front, if you block a punishment or start to rub your bottom to try to make the pain stop, you’ll not only receive additional strokes, but I might even be forced to start all over from scratch.”

Presley groaned, suspecting she was going to have a lot of problems with that rule.

Unlike the other night at Black Light, Caleb didn’t start with a warmup. The flat wood of the paddle-brush echoed through the large bedroom with a loud splat. She had just enough time to recognize that the pain wasn’t nearly as bad as she remembered that heavy paddle being at Black Light when the next strike smacked harder and louder on her other butt cheek.

“Owie!” Her exclamation was like a starting bell for her Daddy to lay a rapid flurry of swats across every inch of her bottom, working back and forth so fast she couldn’t even catch her breath to cry out. She felt the panic rising as the pain started to grow beyond any spanking from her past.

Try as she might to accept the punishment with at least a shred of dignity, it took less than a minute of his butt-busting strokes for Presley to start begging for it to be over.

“Please, Daddy! That’s enough. I swear! I learned my lesson!”

It was as if he hadn’t even heard her. The brush landed again and again, peppering her bottom until it felt like her skin was on fire.

Presley pushed her upper body up, wiggling with all her might to break free from the stream of painful swats smacking her ass in a steady beat like a metronome.
