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Her eyes flicker up to mine. I’ve always had feelings for Devon, but in this moment I realize that it’s more than just a silly, flirtatious crush. Faced with the reality that they could’ve done something to hurt her nearly kills me. I will destroy anyone who brings harm to this woman.

“Tell your dad not to come out here. The police have this all under control.”

Devon sniffles, nodding. Her breathing grows steadier. “Oh Wes, I’m just so glad you were here. What if I was alone? What if they actually shot me?” She takes a big gulp of air, and I brush a falling tear from her cheek.

“You’re safe, Dev.” I can’t stand to see her like this. My strong, sexy Devon is shaken to the bone. “I’m driving you home tonight. I’ll make sure you get home safe.”

She chews on her bottom lip, and stares at the floor when she nods.

“Devon, look at me.” She raises her eyes to meet mine and the severity of the situation hits me like a slug to the chest. If anything happened to her, I never would’ve been able to forgive myself. “You’re safe now, and you always will be. I promise you that.”

Anthony and the boys arrest the two masked men. I insist that I’ll get Devon’s statement once I’m sure she’s comfortable. Then I grab my coat from the back of the bar and wrap it around her shoulders. I’m making her my responsibility, and if anyone ever tries to pull anything with Devon again, I will fucking kill them.



Thingslike this don’t happen in Burly Creek. In the big city crime happens constantly, but in a quiet mountain town like this? It feels personal. I bite on my lower lip sitting in the passenger’s side of Weston’s truck. I can’t stop crying and I feel like a total idiot because of it. I should’ve locked the door.

“How are you doing over there?” Weston’s voice pulls me from the memory of the two men playing on loop in my head.

“I’ve definitely been better.” I tease, huffing out what I mean to be a laugh. It comes out more like a sob.

Weston reaches over, pressing his large palm on my thigh. A warm sensation shoots up my leg, settling as a dull ache deep in my center. If there was anyone who could keep me calm through this, it’s Weston. Big, strong, and ridiculously dangerous, his mere presence makes me feel totally secure. I just hope he’s not in too big of a hurry to get home tonight.

Really, Dev? You’re thinking of thisnow?

“You’ll be okay.” He puts both hands on the wheel, gripping it tight. “Once I find out who the hell did this, I’m going to make sure I’ll be in that courtroom to testify.” He looks at me with flared nostrils. “Those fuckers need to be behind bars for as long as possible.”

“I think they just wanted money.” I say, attempting to make myself feel better. “If they really wanted to hurt me, they would’ve.”

“I wouldn’t let them, Dev.” He balls his fist and bashes it against the wheel. My body jerks against the seat at the impact. “I swear to God.” Weston says through gritted teeth.

“Luckily, you were there. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to get through it without you.”

I take in the strong square of his jaw, clenched so tight that it must hurt. With his chest puffed out, he looks like he’s about to go to war. I won’t pretend I’m not flattered, but I have to wonder if he’s so upset because it was me they tried to hurt, or if he was merely doing his job.

Trees rush by outside the window. Weston takes the back roads quickly, but I know he’s completely in control. “Thanks for driving me home, Wes.”

“Are you kidding? There’s no way I’m going to let you be alone tonight.”

My nipples tighten against my lacy bra. Does he plan on staying all night? An image of Weston taking me in his brawny arms, spooning me as we both fall fast asleep, safe and secure. I run my tongue along my top lip thinking about it. How wonderful the full weight of his body must feel pressed on top of me. I want to smother myself in him, crawl deep inside until I start to feel safe again.

“You’re still shaking.” Weston’s deep voice pulls my attention to him. I grip one hand in the other, knowing damn good and well that the chill lingering inside of me has less to do with the robbery and more to do with the anticipation of my ultimate crush sleeping at my house tonight.

By the time we arrive at my driveway, I’m practicing deep breathing exercises that seem to help calm me down a bit.

“I’ll go in first, so that you know the coast is clear.”

I smile, feeling like a total wuss having him do this. “I think everything will be fine.”

The look he gives me takes my breath away. “Thinking isn’t knowing, and I’m going to make sure that you feel completely safe tonight.”

I nod as a tingle weaves its way through my body. I’ve never had a man be so forceful with me, insisting that he take the reigns. Being self-sufficient has always resulted in me putting on a brave face, but on a night like tonight that’s the last mask I want to wear.

I pull my keys from my purse and crack the front door open and Weston enters the dark house. His tall, hulking frame blocks out the small amount of light pooling in from the kitchen window. It’s another reminder of how much bigger this man is than me. Next to him I feel petite and I can’t say I’ve ever used that word to describe myself in my life.

I shut the door behind me. “Can I turn on the light?” I reach for the switch.
