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Because the goal was a one-night stand and now we’re one foot into round two and I have no intention of stopping. This wasn’t supposed to be anything more that ticking an item off my sexual bucket list. Yet here we are.

“I liked you the day you drove me out of my own wedding.” I touch his jaw, his cheekbone. The edge of his lips. “You were kind to me when you didn’t owe me a thing. And then you turned up the next day, like you knew I needed a distraction.”

His eyes search mine. “I wasn’t there for you.”

“I figured you came to make sure I wouldn’t spill the beans to your family. And I won’t. I’ll never tell them that.” I kiss him. “It was my fault anyway. I tricked you.”

“I came over that night to ask you for dirt on Mike.”

My blood runs cold. “What?”

I push him off me, reaching for the throw draped over the back of the couch because I need protection right now.

Sebastian stands, raking a hand through his hair. He’s totally naked—totally hot—and my brain is struggling to compute the confusing mix of things I’m feeling right now. “I need my father to realise I’m the better choice for CEO, and the only way he’s going to do that is if I bring him proof Mike doesn’t have the company’s best interests at heart.”

“So I’m a source of information.” I blink. “Wow.”

“Obviously, I don’t see you like that now.”

“No? So why did you turn up here today, then?” I ask the question calmly, but the flash of guilt on Sebastian’s face tells me all I need to know. I cringe and cover my face. “Can you just...please put your dick away. I can’t have this conversation with it staring me in the face.”

He heads into the bathroom, scooping his jeans up along the way. A moment later he returns, the condom disposed of and his privates mercifully tucked away. He’s not wearing a top, though. Which is a problem. The muscles are still pretty distracting.

“This is not how I wanted—” He breaks off and makes a frustrated noise before sitting next to me. “Look, I want to be straight with you. I need that information about Mike, but it’s not the only reason I’m here.”

I hold myself together, because I refuse to let anyone else see me cry. But inside, my heart breaks in two.



THISISNOTwhat I was supposed to be doing today.

I was supposed to come here and get what I needed from Presley. I was supposed to be a gentleman about it. I was supposed to keep my eye on the goddamn prize.

But the second I saw her, I turned into a masochistic idiot.

She sits with her knees tucked up to her chest, keeping herself covered with the blanket. Those unnerving silvery-blue eyes are watching me, judging me. Assessing me. Her pale blond hair is a little wild, mussed from our lovemaking. Her cheeks are red, her lips flushed—she’s so beautiful someone should carve her form into marble.

“What information do you want about Mike?” she asks. Her voice is cold and I wonder if this is a test. But I can’t go home empty-handed.

I’ll never forgive myself if I fail my grandfather.

“That trip to Bora Bora, did he pay for it or did the company pay for it?”

She frowns, her eyes moving to something further away, like she’s looking into the past. “He said it was a gift from his father. Company bonus or something like that.”

Bullshit. I know the company didn’t meet their targets last year, with my father’s health issues impacting his effectiveness in the role. There were no big bonuses.

And yeah, I’ve been keeping tabs.

“I’m guessing that’s not true,” she says with a humourless laugh. “Well, are you happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?”

What I want is proof.

“I don’t suppose he put it in writing?” I ask.

She rolls her eyes. “No, he didn’t. And before you insult me by asking, we kept all our money separate, sono, I don’t have a statement that proves the money didn’t come out of his account.”
