Page 108 of Cadence

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“Because I’m bored, Jax! I can’t sit around looking pretty and being a rock star girlfriend.”

He jumps down from the table and puts his long fingers beneath my chin. “But you’re both.”

I search his ice-blue eyes for what’s behind this conversation. “Are you bothered if I do?”

Jax holds my head and runs his tongue along my bottom lip. When he kisses me, his smooth cheek brushes mine, contrasting his rough fingertips. I close my eyes and give over my senses to the scent and taste the man who interferes with my plans.

“I just like having you all to myself, that’s all,” he whispers.

I tense. “I hope that’s a figure of speech, Jax.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’m my own person, not somebody else’s.”

Jax’s steps away. “You’re so defensive! What I mean is I like spending time with you. I won’t stop you doing what you want. Jesus, good luck to the person who tries!”

Relaxing, I grab the edge of his t-shirt, tugging him closer. “Good to hear.”

He grins and settles on the sofa next to me. “Go on, tell me what you’ve been up to with Smiley…” I frown. “With Riley.”

I launch into an excited chatter of my own, explaining our ideas of leaving breadcrumb statuses across social media, teasing fans into finding something unique at the end of the weeks. We’re planning a secret concert, exclusively for those who take part, announced the same day as the gig happens. I’m worried Riley and Tina may misjudge the number of fans who join in, but they’re confident they can handle this. As my enthusiasm grows, Jax’s concerned frown does too.

“So you’re going back to London?” he asks.

“I don’t know. I mean, this is a great opportunity and —”

“Mmm.” Jax sinks back against the sofa cushions.

“Stop pouting! I haven’t decided yet.”

“I guess I’m used to you being around, would be strange without you here. You’ve kinda been part of the tour for me.”

“You live in London! This campaign will be going for another six weeks, maybe it would be good for us. Could stop me running away overseas again.”

He grips my hand. “Why? Are you thinking about doing that?”

I flick his nose. “Wow, Mr. Serious. No.”

“I am serious. Serious about this. Us. I want to keep things going.”

His words thrill, pushing through some of my wariness, and I kiss him gently. “You're a special guy, Jax.”

“You're pretty damn awesome yourself.”

I curl into him, and he wraps his arms around me. We sit in our moment of peace and he strokes my hair.

Another week together, wrapped in our intense world, and the sensation we’ve been together months rather than weeks builds. We read each other easily; small gestures speak as much to each other about how we feel as words, as if we communicate on a different level to other people. Sometimes when I lie awake next to a sleeping Jax, the thought of losing him scares me and the sick feeling which grips in those moments frightens me more.

Is it possible to fall in love with somebody this quickly, or will this spark between us extinguish when we leave the tour? Worse, will the spark ignite and blow everything apart? I place my lips gently on his, holding them there long enough to reconnect, to reinforce my words. “Do you mean it? About this being serious?”

“Don’t you want me to be?” His eyes meet mine, softened and unguarded.

“Yes, but it scares me.”

“What does?”

“How much I want to stay in your life. I didn’t want to become wrapped up in something as intense as us, but I already am.”
