Page 90 of Cadence

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He rakes a hand through his hair. “I couldn't find you! You said you were in the gym and when I looked you weren't, or in your room. Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

“I didn’t hear it,” I snap back. “Are you stalking me now, too?”

“No! I was looking for you. I have to go to the stadium early and won't be back until late tonight. I wanted to see you before I went.”

“Well, I'm fine.”

“Leaving the hotel was a bloody stupid thing to do!”

“I said I'm fine!”

We stand off, glowering at each other. I don't care how worried Jax is; this is a total overreaction.

“What if something had happened?” he asks.

“Like what? Everybody is too paranoid. Most of these trolls only exist behind keyboards! If there were any paparazzi, they'd have a shot of my ass; but that's about it!”

Jax crosses his arms and his mouth thins, in a gesture all too reminiscent of my brother. “You can't go out on your own.”

The tension I’ve contained for the last week threatens to explode at his words and I grip the paper bag attempting to quell the oncoming anger. “Iwhat?”

“Don't do it again.”

Too late. My voice rises. “Fuck off, Jax. I'm not twelve!”

His face reddens. “Don't tell me to fuck off!”

“Don't try and tell me what to do! I was in broad daylight, in a crowded place. I'm fine!”

“You don't get it, do you? You're with me and —”

“And you're a rock star? Yeah, you told me. But I'm not going to be your appendage!” I shove the paper bag at him and it falls to the floor. “You sound like my brother!”

When Jax looks down at the pastry that fell out of the bag, a thought hits. “Did you talk to Bryn?” He doesn't say anything. “Jax?”

“I thought he might know where you are and —”

“Fuck!” I yell and stomp past him.


My chest constricts with anger, the cloying scent of hotel cleaning products and stale carpets a huge contrast to the smell of nature I left outside. The quiet drives me nuts. I'm suffocating. After a week of semi-isolation, I can't do this anymore.

Jax follows me to my room. I swipe the card and fling the door open, and turn to him. “Leave me alone.”

“Tegan, talk to me!”

“I'm too fucking angry! I need to clear my head!”

I attempt to close the door, but Jax catches it before I can. “Tough!” He pushes past me into the room and I slam the door, turning to look at him. “Why the attitude?”

“I'm going home!” I shout, surprised at my words. I am?

Jax stares at me, wide-eyed. “What? Why?”

“Because I can't do this.” I wave my hand around the room. “Jax, I spent months alone travelling because I didn't want to be stuck in England. I came here because I wanted to experience Europe and a tour. Now I can't go out without permission? This is bullshit!”

Jax places the cups on the table and reaches out to me. I step back and cross my arms defensively. “Tegan, please. This will get better. Don't leave the tour.”
