Page 91 of Cadence

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“I'll come back. I need to go away until I can breathe again.”

“You can't! You need to stay.” His tone isn't that of a lover wanting me with him, but a demand.Not a good idea, Jax.

“Need to?”

“I don't know what I'd do without you here.” Again, the message behind his words isn't romantic, but something else.

I straighten. “You don't know what you'd do?”

“Yeah, I mean, I get drunk and do stupid shit, don't I?”

My chest tightens further. Am I hearing him right? “Are you telling me you'll screw other girls if I'm not here?”

“I don't think so, but I —”

“What the fuck?” I yell. “You don't think so? 'No' was the correct response there, you dickhead!”

“No. I meant no. Fuck!” He reaches out again but my scowl is enough for him to keep his distance. “Tegan, with you around, I don't behave the same. If you're gone, I'll start hanging with Will and Nate more. Drinking, 'cause I'll miss you.”

An image of the Portuguese girl on his lap in the club flashes into my mind. “Your choice, Jax. You can still have fun without getting wasted, and have a great time without screwing the first girl to stick her tits in your face!”

“I will. Won't. Fuck, you know what I mean but things would be easier with you here. I won't be tempted to do stupid shit.”

“Ohmigod!” I take a shaky breath and close my eyes. Calm.Now. I don't do this. I don't have slanging matches with guys. I definitely don't let them under my skin. “I think you'd better leave now.”

“Tegan...” Jax attempts to take hold of me again and I push him away, close to lashing out. So much for the calm.

“Go!” I shout.

“What are you going to do? Will you leave?”

“What the hell does it matter to you? I don't fucking believe this!”

Jax backs away as my voice continues to rise. “You won't leave.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Fine. There's no point talking to you when you're behaving like this.”

I make a derisive noise. “Maybe you should think before you open your big mouth!”

“For fuck’s sake, Tegan. Don’t you think you’re overreacting?”

Wrong thing to say to a woman.Always. This man has a shitload to learn about the opposite sex. Such as not telling someone, who thought she was your girlfriend, you might be unfaithful if she’s not around.

“Go.” I walk stiffly to the door and yank it open. “I'll let you know when I leave.”

He stares at me for a few moments and shakes his head. “Make sure you do.”

When Jax leaves, I rest a hand against the closed door, desperately holding together the angry hurt threatening to tear me apart. I put myself through the bullshit of not being able to live my life properly, to date a guy who's not sure he can be faithful? I've spent a week stuck inside hotels, seven days away from the whole reason I decided to come on tour.

Pissed off over how smug Bryn's going to be when I tell him I'm leaving, I head to the shower where I can wash away the stress and make a final decision.


I stand outside Tegan’s door, dazed by what just happened. Wow. I know Tegan is a determined, passionate chick who doesn't take crap from people, but I never expected her to be this volatile. Tegan's bloody-mindedness sets her apart in her world. In mine, Tegan’s attitude causes trouble.

Seriously, what the fuck was she thinking going out alone? Tina's monitoring everything press related and is convinced we only needed to wait a few days and things will calm. What's wrong with hanging inside for a few extra days? Hell, I'll take Tegan back to the cities she's missed visiting one day soon.
